Fun Contest has finished

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  • #18239

    Well today i have posted whos
    was whos  :laugh:
    So to see who was who`s, just pop along to  my blog and see how many you got right or wrong  :laugh:

    Again, Thank you to all those that took part. You are all wonderful and i send you all loads of  :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: &  smt




    There were so many cute bums.  I have to admit that I couldn’t even attempt to guess whose was whose, but well done to those who tried!

    It was great fun, and I second Anna’s suggestion for a boobies contest next.  Mine would be fairly easy to spot – what with the piercings and the fact that they are M.A.S.S.I.V.E!!  lmao

    Well done Mike!  smt smt



      I thought your event was put together really well and even though,I didn’t come anywhere near a passing grade,I enjoyed looking and studying the lovely pics of each lady that helps make this world of ours a more beautiful place each and everyday!  :coolsmiley:
      Thanks for helping them share Mike and I look forward to other homework assignments you feel like sharing with us all too!


    Thanks guys  😉

    Now E, i have been thinking about my next fun contest and like both you and Anna have said, i think it wil be …..
    But…………with a twist  :laugh:

    And that twist is…………….drum roll please………

    [move]Painted Boobs![/move]
    what i`m hoping for is that those that take part will submit a picture of there boob (just the one lol) but have it painted with, lets say a face  :laugh:
    I know that some may not be able to take part this time round and i understand why they may be.

    So if any of you wonderful sellers would love to take part. Get painting those boobs, take a picture or two  😉 and send them to me.  B) And lets have a boobing great time hehe  :laugh:



    Ha ha, thats a great idea Mike! I will get my crayons out! Mine will have to be a small picture though!!  :cheer:


    Why would it have to be a small picture? From what i hear you have a lovely pair  bb  😉


    I had no idea how many gorgeous butts were lingering around this place..I also had no idea whose butt was whose except for a very select few! 

    Your contests are so fun, and your blog is really something special.  smt

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