Hello, fellow panty loving guys.
My link to the article about “pussy smell in a bottle” generated a lot of heat for a while.Â
Then I made a nice long post, and asked some questions at the end, which nobody answered. Let me try my questions here and see if I can get some replies.
1. How many womens’ pussies have you smelled in the flesh? Of those women, did any of them smell bad to you, ever? If so, give a sense of how often you encountered an unpleasant smell — and if you know it, the reason why it disagreed with you.
[My answer: Four women in person. Except for the rare menstrual odor, which I find a bit odd, I found that every fresh pussy I’ve ever had the pleasure to smell has been heavenly. I have never encountered the mythical pussy that makes a man gag. I love going down.]
2. How many different womens’ fresh-from-the-hamper panties have you smelled? Of those fresh panties, did any of them smell bad to you? If so, give a sense of how often you encountered an unpleasant smell — and the reason why, if you happen to know. If any of those women were also women whose pussies you smelled in person, please identify those “matched sets” and compare the experience of pussy to panty.
[My answer: I’ve found panties from four women in the hamper. Only one woman has had both her body, and her panties, in my face. That would be my wife. The panties smelled as good as she did (if a bit milder), unless she was going through a bout of urinary incontinence. The other three women were strangers, not my girlfriends, selected by Fate. Nearly all of their panties smelled great. One woman has unknowingly volunteered her pussy smell about ten times, and I was delighted every time but once. The one time I didn’t care for her panty, I think she was close to her period.]
3. How many different womens’ panties have you had mailed to you? Of those mailed panties, did any of them smell bad to you? If so, give a sense of how often you encountered an unpleasant smell — and the reason why, if you happen to know.
[My answers: I have received six panties, from four sellers. Only one seller has delivered me two good pairs out of two attempts. She is the only seller of mine so far who also used a vacuum sealer. Two other sellers sent me panties which had a spoiled smell that I never encountered in hamper panties. One seller sent me a pair that I couldn’t smell at all.]
Please add your experiences. Thanks!