I just posted a long rant about people trying to take advantage of me as a new seller…
It was suggested i post here…
basic run down… (the post was long)
guy starts out nice…
talks about ordering from me…
first demands to use pp… i saw no… i do not even have one… (and I dont i hate them)
i think i have him talked into alertpay…
then he says he wants me to wear them 7 days and i say i do not want to do that because of hygiene… I agree to 5 but at a extra fee…
he gets mad saying that as a new seller w/o a fan base I can not do that… i was even nice about explaining health issues and time and he just stops messaging me saying that if it is up to me…
I know its up to me *grrr* any way… i am trying not to be mean about it…
but anyway… his id is t_cruise98 (is it ok I say that…)