HELP – Found this URL accessing my site…

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  • #18771

    …I dont think this is good, and I don’t know what to do about it?

    This URL is accessing my site:

    and they are linking to some of my photos: I found this URL too:

    I found this information in my site statistics which I haven’t looked at for at least a good 6 months or more…how do I block them?  I don’t know how to get an IP address from this information?



    When they hotlink a pic thats easy, just change the name and update your own site with the new name to the pic.  If its a big pic I usually write something nasty on the original and keep it the same name, so when they hotlink they get the nasty pic you edited come up.

    As for the URL I dont know because its bringing up a search box type thing. You could do some digging and find out where its hosted and contact the hosting company directly and inform them they are somehow accessing your site.


    Is that what they’re doing, hotlinking?

    This could be fun..whatever shall I put on the picture?  BANDWITH STEALING MUTHER FUCKER?  PIECE OF SHIT HOTLINKER? Oh do help me be creative!

    I came up with the same search box thingie when I tried to play around with the URL..and I played some more and it wasn’t even in English.

    I was going to try and figure out how to block the domain, but I dont know what it is! I feel stupid  :crazy2:

    Thank you for your insight Miss Cindy  smt


    They are hotlinking your elf pic but Im not sure how big it is so it might be hard to create a big picture if they put in the dimensions of the pic in their own HTML.  Try it though, if they just hotlinked to a filename it should just display what its hotlinking to. :0 I have had many a fun pver the years with bitches and assholes hotlinking to my pics 😛

    The other link thing is concerning and thats why I would find out who they are hosted with by looking it up on the whois and contacting them with the information.  Say you are not sure if they are doing anything wrong but the fact that it says something about hacking is worrying you.

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