Help! Panty Hog Contest Question

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  • #1938

    Hi All,
    I’m in a bit of a pickle.  :blush: We’ve had several panty providers very generously offer a pair of their panties as the prize in our story writing contest. Thank you ladies! The problem is choosing whose panties to offer as the prize. We can say the winner can choose from the ladies who offered. We could draw a name out of a hat. We could offer a 1st through 5th prize (but who would want their panties offered as a 5th place ” consolation prize” ?!). See the problem?

    If you’ve got a creative answer to this puzzle, post it here, and please cast your vote.



    Dear Amy
    To be fair to all the girl’s who are kind enough to donate a prize the lucky panties should be drawn at random,thus no one is better than anyone else and they may end up getting a new client beacause of the prize they give at random to the winner. Regards 5th prize why not have one winner and 4 runner up prizes though all are good there can only be 1 winner.
    If you require a volunteer as quality control i will consider the job and will do it for free.Hope this may help.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Hi Amy,

    quite a predicament! It’s GREAT that several sellers have generously offered their panties as a prize.  I agree with your point about ‘consolation’ prizes.  Like Jazzy, I’d go for a random draw, although, I’d only draw for the winner not for other prizes that way every lovely seller who has offered their panties has a chance of being drawn and no one feels ‘slighted’ at being a ‘consolation prize’.

    Though anyone that considers ANY of the lovely sellers panties a consolation prize needs a swift kick in the rear lol


    Speaking of the contest…I just came home from a hard day at work and was looking forward to reading the new enties. Not one added today.? 👿 Come on folks don’t be a wallflower! Kristie’s chapter is great, but don’t let that scare you away. Even if you’ve never written a story in your life, it doesn’t matter, it’s all in good fun.


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