Well,she can run all she wants Mike, but she can’t hide from us for very long!:woohoo:
It’s been awhile since this happened,but since it’s her birthday now,I’m sure people are really looking for the chance at giving her that birthday spanking!! :knuppel
Well,she can run all she wants Mike, but she can’t hide from us for very long!:woohoo:
It’s been awhile since this happened,but since it’s her birthday now,I’m sure people are really looking for the chance at giving her that birthday spanking!! :knuppel
*puts on her birthday suit and prances around the locker room*
Pull up a chair and enjoy the show guys – I blocked the door with some of the stuff in the closet we use to clean things up so be careful as you pass though! ( gotcha now girl ):laugh: — knew I would get one of ya someday — patients always works wonders! 😆
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