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- This topic has 33 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 5 months ago by
October 7, 2008 at 2:09 pm #23538
I don’t think is a coincidence that over the last few weeks certain sellers have started this anti PH campaign…
I suspect someone is manipulating the whole thing.October 7, 2008 at 5:56 pm #23541Serena
MemberI’m still struggling to understand where this comes from.
I’ve re-read Anni’s and Anna’s replies, none of them are offensive nor insensitive, (hence her own quote: ‘no offence taken’, which she wrote twice,) so perhaps Moocha should stop playing stupid and tell us exactly why she got her knickers in a twist.
I bet has nothing to do with this post.Moocha you have proven to be nothing other then a prat with a serious disordered personality. If you really think that Anni made racist or prejudice comments, then you should get help.
Using your disability to have a pop at PH is low, very fucking low.
From a fellow dyslexic:
fukc rigth of sweep tea
October 7, 2008 at 6:02 pm #23542Anna
MemberSerena wrote:
I’m still struggling to understand where this comes from.
I’ve re-read Anni’s and Anna’s replies, none of them are offensive nor insensitive, (hence her own quote: ‘no offence taken’, which she wrote twice,) so perhaps Moocha should stop playing stupid and tell us exactly why she got her knickers in a twist.
I bet has nothing to do with this post.
I bet someone told her we were having a pop :cheer:…and where the racist jew hating comments came from is beyond me.
Anni is going to be seriously upset when she reads all this crap. Anni – don’t worry hun, we know you are intelligent, educated and sane *mwah*
October 7, 2008 at 10:54 pm #23544anni
MemberI am amazed. I wish I had caught it first, but after skimming Moocha Mink’s blog the first time, I decided it wasn’t for me.
This absolutely has to be coming from somewhere else, I think we can all read what I wrote and never in my wildest nightmare would I imagine my comments could be construed as racist…
I guess I should be more mad, but its completely absurd.
I think what I take most offense to is this:
They like to call it a community…yeah im still laughing too Moochas…
I know sum of them seem shallow, inconsiderate & undermining…
You can say whatever you want about me, Moocha Minx, but this is insulting EVERY PANTY SELLER and EVERYONE you were trying to get to know here on panty hog. I would like to know where this is coming from.
Surely, you couldn’t have gotten so upset over me thinking plaid meant what it was spelled like. My fucking mistake.
If you have beef with me, tell me about it. Don’t be a pussy and hide it on your shit blog. I’m a grown woman and I can take whatever trash you want to dish.
I really think an apology is in order, if not for me than to save face with all the panty hoggers you have extremely insulted.
October 7, 2008 at 11:18 pm #23545jazzy
Memberfrom a poem by Robert Burns.
O wad some Pow’r the giftie to gie us
To see oorsels as ithers see us
it wad frae monie a blunder free us
an’ foolish notion
what airs in dress an gait wad lea’e us
an ev’n devotion…….(in english translation)
oh that god would give us the smallest gift
to be able to see ourselves as others see us
and foolish thoughts
we would change the way we look and gesture
and how to and what we apply our time and attention.just a ”thought”
Jazzy :dry:
October 7, 2008 at 11:58 pm #23546Mask Man N95
MemberIt’s frightening as all heck to think existentially and be able to view ourselves as others see us, but maybe we’d all be better off if we could at least once in our lives. Good “thought”.
October 8, 2008 at 6:04 pm #23575Sweet Scented Scarlet
MemberMy goodness… I turn my back for five mintutes and all hell breaks loose!
Ok so I start this by saying that this post is intended to make things better, not worse and I do not want to offend or upset anybody but I do think this is getting out of hand.
Minnie is a very good friend of mine in RL and I would therefore like to clear up a couple of things…
Minnie is genuinely dyslexic, she also talks a bit ‘street’ innit like.. this leads to her unique style of writing.. a style which I have grown to love and one which makes her the person she is..unique (just like everybody else!
Minnie is not part of some grand plan to take down PH, I know that Minnie enjoys being a part of this website even if she has had a bit of a run in with some members of late.
As far as this thread goes and the opinions expressed, I can appreciate both camps’ point of view. The comment about Minnie’s writing obviously hit a nerve, her response was over the top, but I think that by carrying this on and making counter recriminations.. we are not going to get anywhere…
Point is.. read blogs you like reading them, if you don’t get it then nvermind..move on
Just my little contribution, as I say this is supposed to be a post of calm and reason.. imagine you are listening to whale song and drinking hot chocolate whilst you read it. 😉
October 8, 2008 at 7:25 pm #23577Cindy_PantyParadise
MemberMinnie is not part of some grand plan to take down PH, I know that Minnie enjoys being a part of this website [b]even if she has had a bit of a run in with some members of late.
Drinking some hot choc as advised… however, what I believe we ALL want to know is exactly WHAT run in and with whom?
It does not give her the right to lash out at innocent sellers on her blog and come on here being all sweet and innocent. THAT is the reason we responded as we did!
And for the record Lady Anna is one of my nearest and dearest friends in RL and I am not going to sit here doing sweet FA and allow some two faced bint to publically slag her off without a come back… if Minnie wants to dish it she should learn to take it back. Period!
October 8, 2008 at 7:48 pm #23578Anna
MemberSweet Scented Scarlet wrote:
Point is.. read blogs you like reading them, if you don’t get it then nvermind..move on
Sorry Scarlet, the point is nothing to do with choosing to read her blog. The point is that she made some outrageous accusations about Anni and accused both of us of taking the piss out of her dyslexia oh and then accused most of the sellers on Panty Hog to be shallow, inconsiderate and undermining! Whether she has dyslexia or not is not the issue. It is what she said about us and Panty Hog on a public blog.
You might know her in RL but we can only take her as we find her online – and it isn’t good.
It’s very noble that you and Poppy want to stick up for your friend but the more you defend her the more you appear to agree with what she said.
October 8, 2008 at 8:13 pm #23579Serena
MemberOf course she got bashed, we were never going to send her a bunch of flowers.
She fell out with a PH’ s member and then went off to slag the whole community off. I think that classes as being prejudice no?It would be good to hear what is going on from the horse’s mouth.
October 8, 2008 at 11:26 pm #23581anni
MemberIts great that you and poppy want to defend your friend, but why can’t she defend herself?
And let me point something out…
The comment about Minnie’s writing obviously hit a nerve…
You say she was offended, but the last time minnie replied to this post she said…
No offence take SweetPea
How was I supposed to know she felt exactly the opposite? We are all grown ups here and if she had told me that my remarks hurt her feelings I certainly would have apologized. No need to call me a racist or a cock slut or insult the entire Panty Hog community.
I just want to know why minnie decided to try to hide her outrageous comments on her blog instead of just letting me know something wasn’t right.
And that is something she needs to come here and let us know for herself.
October 9, 2008 at 1:47 pm #23589moochacha minx
Thanx Poppy fo bothering with this waste of time thread & for explaining wot i meant in tha first place.
U didnt have to & I appreciate tha fact u did X
& equally Thanx Scarlet for trying to defuse tha situation X I seriously appreciate ur efforts XThis is a F*CKING MESS!!
Im gonna explain wot i said & why i said it…Here u go Serena horse’s mouth for ya Hon….Anni…I took ur comments as taking tha piss & wen i replied to u i was being sarcastic.
It goes to show how people read things tha wrong way…reading messages mean u loose expressions & tones….wot ever u read can be taken any way depending on how u read it.
wen i type i dont write orthographically, i type wot i say & spell how i speak.Genrally using bad english & colloquisms…Ay cheers Poppy for puting it as ‘intricacies & colourful linguistics’ like it Hon!! My lingo comes from my love for Graffitism, Graphic & Illustrative Design, & tha kinda mates i associate with….Plus listening to Hip Hop & UK Grime doesnt help me to talk tha Queens English….Its no wonder we aint getin eachotha….we are worlds apart & tha only thing we have in common is PH.Anna….i took u as jumping on tha bitchy band waggon & read u as taking tha piss too, hence why i had a dig at u in my blog post as well as Anni.
KK….so my blog post…….
I felt seriously pissed off after reading tha bullshit thread that stared up on my first post. Buttons were pressed & me being me was gonna say summit about it….. Anni, wen u asked if i was English i imediately thought ‘wot tha fuck has that gotta do wit any thing?!!’ …..’wots nationality gotta do wit it??…why pick up on simple spelling mistaches??…Do u see me as an incompetent english girl or forign??’….is wot went thru my mind & made me think ur racist. after speaking with Poppy & Scarlet they pointed out why u’d asked me if i was english…i now kno its coz i said id pratice my english for ya…but coz i was being sarcie i didnt see where u were coming from.I also called u (not all panty girls, as sumone stated on here) undermining & inconciderate…..WHY pull me up on spelling?? IT IS UNDERMINING & no i dont exspect u to be a ‘bloody mind reader’ BUT to be so pedantic about summit so insignificant is anal….PLIAD as in PLAYED is obvious to EVERYONE else iv spoken to guys & gals alike…..I still feel like u were intentionally talking down at me. So u can exspect NO APOLOGY outa me fo that one.
I think its better if u have summit shit to say/rant about its better off in ur own space NOT on a site dedicated to panty fetishes & meeting like-minded people…Anna, Cindy, Serena, as Mods here dont u agree??…Surely my blog was tha place fo every thing i wanted to say?? OR would u have prefered it on tha PH forum??
…..Iv seen slaggin maches on PH b4 tha site changed (iv only recently signed back up)….it aint a good look & personaly i like my opinions on my ground (we’r all entitled to one as long as ur not ramming it down otha people’s throats)…I treat my blog as if it were a diary, speaking my mind freely…Its ME not just Minnie…So there u have it gals!!
Oh…one mo ting & ting………Why would i wanna sabotage PH??
PH has summit good gwanin’…if u pass by summa tha bullshit threads & catty comments.October 9, 2008 at 2:16 pm #23590Cindy_PantyParadise
MemberFor gods sake what is wrong with you? We don’t like sellers fighting with each other or slagging each other off publically AT ALL – however we will most certainly finish a fight if you are dumb enough to start one.
And, NO it is absolutely not acceptable to write shit on your PUBLIC blog about ANYONE.
If you feel upset or hurt by what someone has innocently said then take it up PRIVATELY through email or Private Message.
Sure treat your blog as a diary but don’t for one second think that you get away with openly slagging off your fellow seller.
If you have a problem with someone then sort it out privately.
And still no apology in your post, nice.
October 9, 2008 at 3:59 pm #23591Anna
MemberMoochaCha Minx wrote:
I also called u (not all panty girls, as sumone stated on here) undermining & inconciderate…..WHY pull me up on spelling?? IT IS UNDERMINING & no i dont exspect u to be a ‘bloody mind reader’ BUT to be so pedantic about summit so insignificant is anal….PLIAD as in PLAYED is obvious to EVERYONE else iv spoken to guys & gals alike…..I still feel like u were intentionally talking down at me. So u can exspect NO APOLOGY outa me fo that one.
Spelling? Perhaps I should spell it out for you. We GENUINELY did not know what you meant by plaid in panties. Plaid is the US term for Tartan. You could have been referring to tartan panties for all we know. When I read I don’t read aloud so phonetic spelling is meaningless to me.
Just because your style of written communication makes sense to your friends doesn’t mean it will make sense to everyone else. That is why we have conventions in written communication – so that we can communicate without misunderstandings.
Perhaps YOU should accept the fact that your written English is difficult for most people and stop being so bloody touchy? Nobody was talking down to you, that is your own interpretation and for that you SHOULD apologise.
Oh and how the hell are we supposed to know that this
No offence take SweetPeaAy sorry if u dont get me Hon…..
I’ll practice my English fo’ yais sarcastic!! You take our comments as bitchy and then you are surprised that we don’t take yours as bitchy.
Perhaps we’re not bitches…?
You should also publicly apologise for what you said about Anni although in my book what you said is unforgivable.
October 9, 2008 at 6:43 pm #23593Serena
MemberMocha I don’t get you.
When people take the piss of of my spelling I tell them I’m dyslexic.
Most offenders tent to apologies and we all move on. When people persist in taking the piss I tell them to fuck off, to their faces.You have been around for long enough to know that we respect one another and the bitch slapping you speak of has mostly to do with cretins and opportunistic fuckers that try to abuse this community. None of which you appear to be.
I think you were lashing out at someone/something else, Anni just happened to be a good excuse.
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