how friendly?

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  • #8145

    i have another question..sorry guys!!
    i have alot of guys for panties webcam etc on msn, and they chat to me sometimes, but am wondering where do i draw the line on how much i chat and how friendly i get etc…i dont wanna look like i want there custom and thats it, but ive also had problems with gettin too friendly…had a couple guys say that after chattin to me im so nice that itd seem odd ordering panties now!! also, they start expecting freebies all the time, ‘ as weve chatted quite a bit now can i have a free…’ etc etc. it also takes up alot of time…and as much as i love to chat..i dont have that much time for it! i really dont wanna come across as a right miserable old bitch lol, coz i love to chat and get to know different people…has anyone else had this problem?


    Oh when they say that they are just being twats. 

    You can chat to them and show them a bit of a “flash” so they know what they are getting but then Id draw the line – if they want more they have to pay you for it.

    Its not a case of being an old bitch, its a case of running a business.  Dont show anything more than what they see at a beach.

    Dont let them take advantage of you like that, if they want to buy they will – sounds to me like they are freebie hunters, I mean they have all the time in the world to chat to a beautiful woman … but you havent – and you must channel your energy and time into dealing with those that make it worth your while … or you will be sat on cam for 10 hours a day, sending out freebies or worrying if some freebie hunter might call you a “bitch”. 

    The only “bitches” I see here is the people taking you for granted. xx

    Just be nice and polite and say something like:

    “Id LOVE to do this for you but actually I cant anymore – sorry. I run a business and if I sat here all day or gave out freebies to everyone I chat to, even though you are lovely, then there would be no point in me having my website and I wouldnt even be online .. Im sure you understand” 🙂

    You see – be firm but tactful but be honest too – if they dont like it Kelly, then say well perhaps you should find another girl on the web who has more free time to enjoy your company.



    Kelly, that was a really good question.  I’m sure that’s something a lot of new people would like to know, too.  I know I have wondered aobut it.

    Thank goodness for Cindy!  She is so smart!  And a real sweetie!  Thanks, Cindy, for all your insight!



    I spend a lot of time chatting, I do mainly cam work so lots of guys have my MSN! I like chatting, and I often get bookings after chatting with people, but I have one rule… nothing comes off unless it’s a paid session! If they complain or pester me then I explain that this is what I do for a living and I can’t give it away. Some dissapear right away, others accept that. It’s the same with panties. Some guys send me a “gift” and get panties in exchange, but they don’t get anything for chatting! Maybe those who think it’d be weird to buy from you after chatting would be happier sending you a cash gift?

    If you are busy then say so, just tell them you are busy and will chat later or chat another time.

    Don’t worry about what a few freebie hunters think of you, most people know that they can’t have your undivided attention all the time. Tell them you have to go, then go. Even if they get in a huff about it they’ll come back  😉

    Kisses, Jennifer xxx


    I got the “you are too nice, can not wank to panties of a nice girl” thingie too now… I wonder if he ever wanted to order something  🙁

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