How much bandwidth and disk space?

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    I’m not sure how much disk space or bandwidth I would need? :unsure:(for when the day comes that I get a “real” site? :laugh:). To those that have paid sites how much do you have? Also, do you have a set amount of bandwidth or do you have the option to pay an extra amount a month per GB to have it stay up?


    Hey Jules,

    One of my sites has 750Mb storage and 30Gb transfer limit and another has 5Gb storage and 400Gb transfer. I don’t use anywhere near the allowance on the second site…

    It depends a lot on what you’re going to have on your site. If it’s a few HTML pages and a bunch of pics then you really don’t need much storage. 50Mb would most likely be more than enough. Don’t pay for what you don’t need. If you’re going to be storing video clips and letting people access them, then you will need a bigger package.

    Most decent hosts will allow you to increase your space as and when you need to.



    Oooo bandwidth. I luurrrve bandwidth! My site’s not optimised, I didn’t downsize the pics, so although it’s small I kill my bandwidth. At the mo, mine uses 5.0 GB a month (eeek) and has 100mb disc space (although I’ve not managed to fill that yet.) 5.0GB and 100mb is the lowest package they offer and ?35, I think with domain.

    Me and a few other panty girls use Jules, I won’t big up ANY company unless I think they’re 110% worth and these guys are an amazing co! Love nor money would get me off Xilo. I’ve been bending the owners ear for the past 2 days getting stuff sorted for my refresh and I get snappy responses (weekends, holidays and late nights) and he’s not happy until you’re sorted. I don’t affiliate these guys but you’ll be hard pushed to find a better host, honestly. I showed my computer buff tutor the site and he said he was signing up too!

    As an example of how nice they are, I told them I was pushing my bandwidth a few months back and they promised not to cut me off because “we’re nice people” Awwww! You don’t get that often with a server, any excuse to get a few more quid out of you and they’re in there!
    If anyone’s interested in signing up and giving a crimbo gift all in one then you can sign up through Cindys affiliate link  😉



    Thank you Jess and Chandie. And Jess, your hosting company sounds great and all, but I am looking for something here is the US. I’ve been looking around at places here and found 2 so far that sound promising. I shall see how it goes. Thanks again.? smt

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