HTML help! Prob ably easy for someone

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  • #15408


    I need help with some HTML. I think its probably something really simple, but I can’t seem to figure it out.

    Basically, I have a table and I can’t figure out for the life of me how to delete the border around it.

    If someone will help me, I’ll send you the file.

    Thanks in advance!


    In the HTML put border as “0” not as “1” the the table 🙂


    its not just u glittlergirljo, i cant get the hang of it either, i have a problem too if someone could help please?  i cant get the code panty trust give me to go on my site a clickable link 🙁


    Jareal, we all had to start somewhere and if I could teach myself html when the web was new I am more than sure that anyone else can too.. Just search on google for what you want – here for example:

    there are hundreds if not thousands of websites that are crammed with free hints and tips on how to create links, tables and all sorts.

    Glitter .. I don’t know about your table ..  it might be in a style sheet, if so you would need to create a new style for your new table or it will pick up the default one no matter what you do on the html side.


    Ugh. Now I’m really confused. It is zero! 


    oh god it has me beat too. Your HTML is far more advanced than anything I could create.  Your table actually moves around, like you can place it where you want – that is so cool, but not so cool as I cant see where the hell that border is coming from LOL.

    Sorry Glitter .. anyone else know advanced HTML out there:huh:?


    What table border are you trying to hide? The only one I see there is the black border around the “legal mumbo jumbo”. I don’t see anything floating so maybe you have already changed it. One thing I did notice is that your page is very wide which requires you to scroll sideways to see the whole page.



    Yeah, the border around Legal Mumbo Jumbo..

    As for the scrolling, I hate that..I suppose I can change that?



    I emailed you a revision of your page that should work. Try it out.

    😉 PK


    YAY PK~ Now can you tell me what you did?  And what was wrong? smt


    I actually didn’t fix what you had, I redid it. You had all kinds of funky stuff going on there with the tables and several empty tables nested in empty tables. I just started a new page. Created a 2 column by 2 row table and copied and pasted the content into each of the four areas the 2 x 2 gave me.  ;)  PK


    Whoa…thank you!

    Guess that’s what I get for starting with a free template – I never did understand it…LOL.

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