I need advice from long-time sellers!

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  • #15899

    Hello ladies.  As some of you already know, I’m a pretty new panty seller.  Recently, a man e-mailed me after seeing an e-bay auction of mine (I sometimes sell used socks & bras there). He said “I am looking for someone to provide all of their tampons on a monthly basis and would also request a well worn thong or g-string with heavy cum and scat stains. I would also ask for a bottle of your sweet piss. I would ask that this all be sent together on a monthly basis. I would ask for occasional IM and nude photos.”  All of this I am willing to do (not crazy about all of it, but willing).  The part I question is him stating that he would “start at $125 a month and add $25 a month until the allowance would reach $250. I would add $100 a month every year thereafter.”  In another message he said “I would also want a very long term commitment”.  Has anyone ever had an offer like this, from a man who wanted to purchase on a permanent basis for years to come?
    Thank you all in advance for your advice and insight!!!


    lmao Floyd is back (the Ohio State professor).  That guy’s a scam.  Ignore it.

    Here’s the general email he usually sends out: ” I think you are so hot. I apologized for being so blunt but I do not know how else to ask. I would hope that we would be able to work out an agreement that is beneficial to both of us.  I am an Economics professor in Columbus, Ohio. I would like to purchase all of your blood drenched tampons on a permanent basis. I would also like to purchase a bottle of your piss and a heavily scat stained well worn pair of thongs. I would also like to make other purchases during the month as well, which I would pay additionally. I would want a very long term commitment. I have not done this before and I would appreciate your consideration.      Floyd”


    Yup, he approached me too months ago.
    Nothing came of it after I told him I just wont do cyber sex.  I wasnt sure if he was a scam or not either until I head some of the other girls had spoken to him too, with exactly the same emails, word for word


    I’m in a huff now – he’s never approached me.



    Oh wow, thanx ALLOT girls… that’s exactly what he said.  You know what Mom always said, “if it sounds too good to be true…”.  Anna, if you’d like his e-mail address, just let me know.  Personally I thought he sounded kinda creepy! 


    I almost think it would be fun to mess with him. I just don’t have the energy or time!

    Kinky Kate

    Ok, I’ve gotten his email too, but I didn’t want to provide all that he wanted.  Has anyone ever tried to have an arrangement with this guy?  Had non-payment experience with him?  Does it make him a scammer just because he uses the same email in his search for a girl to deal with.  He could have money & really want to fulfill this fetish of his badly & be willing to pay big bucks. It’s a very specific & unusual request…I’d get tired of typing that out over & over again.  He must have send out many, many emails.  If that’s the only reason people are saying he’s a scammer, then that would make me one too, since I use the same email for my customers explaining ordering & payment, etc.  And I’m NOT a scam.  Just thought I’d throw that out there.


    Theres a very lengthy thread about this on the Ebanned message boards.  I normally wouldn’t mention that forum over here but this has been discussed at length over there and he definitely is a SCAM.  There are many girls who have tried to set up things with him and he just craps out.  He’s interested in going back and forth getting off on the emails.  Just stay away from him, he’s bad news.  :buck2:

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