I set up an Ebanned Auction

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  • #13725

    it is so easy to set up those auctions, but i only did one cause i’m pretty busy right now. plus i’m going to be gone for the next week…spring break and all. visiting some family and friends in Houston. Screwston.

    anyway, i linked to my Ebanned and Panty Hog auctions on my website. i think they’re in a good place. easy to see and all.

    i’m wondering if my panties are too expensive, too. or maybe i’m just too new, cause i’m not getting the business i thought i would by now.

    alright, later…love,
    anni boombalatti


    My personal opinion is they are a little high for a newbie.  Once you get a bit more established and build a fan base you can charge a bit more but buyers are going to be a bit hesitant (once again, in my opinion) to fork over $40+ for a pair of panties from a new panty seller.  If I was you, I would also offer some different price ranges too.  A lot of girls have a basics line and then specialty panties which they charge more for.  HTH  🙂


    I agree with Mackenzie. The bigger the risk you are, ie new, then the more likely buyers won’t touch you until you have been around for a while.

    Definitely try a cheaper range of panties too. Nearly all the girls sell cheaper than you with their basics range and we’ve been around a lot longer!


    thanks, i’ll probably have that done by thursday…

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