I want a pair of Fullback panties with a full load of poo in them.

Welcome to My Used Panty Portal! Forums Used Panty Related Discussion Wanted I want a pair of Fullback panties with a full load of poo in them.

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  • #25241

    As an ”average” kind of guy i find such requests baffling,why would anyone want this?
    In my opinion what mosy guys are looking for is a nice girl who will wear her panties for 24 hours.
    More importantly though is getting to know the girl,become friends and then you have a new friend who also will send her panties to you,normally with much love and care in each transaction.
    Even when you do not order,you still keep in touch and your friendship continues.
    Maybe i’m old fashioned,who knows?
    Best wishes to all the ladies.;)

    Jazzy :dry:


    But people could equally say “Why on earth would a guy want a girl’s used panties. What’s wrong with a normal relationship?”.

    We might not understand the fetishes of someone else but it doesn’t mean their fetish is any less valid than ours. By all means ask the person to explain the appeal but do it in such a way that it doesn’t come across as judgemental. After all. would you want someone to say to you…

    “URGH you do WHAT with used panties – that is GROSS!” :ohmy:


    Anna,each to his/her own i suppose.
    Still love your bum by the way.:P

    Jazzy :dry:


    Point well taken. I suppose I like some things that would be distasteful for some.



    If my post sounded offensive, I apologize. I didn’t mean to sound judgemental.


    If you want to talk privately about this, email me at lexy@peachesandcreamsexywornpanties.



    How are you supposed to send something like this through the mail? It doesn’t seem possible. :unsure:


    Annilyn Lily wrote:

    How are you supposed to send something like this through the mail? It doesn’t seem possible. :unsure:

    In bubblewrap? In a box marked This Way Up?



    lexymarlene wrote:

    If you want to talk privately about this, email me at lexy@peachesandcreamsexywornpanties.


    Hi Lexy. I notice your website is hosted with Yahoo.

    You do know that you are breaking their terms of service by having adult material on your site?

    7.2 Prohibited Uses
    (r) collect, transmit, or store any type of adult, mature, or sexually explicit content;

    see http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/tos/tos.php

    As soon as they find you they will pull your site.

    Mask Man N95

    Only thing I can think of is tupperware and duct tape. I dunno. I’ve never asked for that sort of order, and would be scared to. I did order used TP once, and it was ziplocked, but that kind of caused some…ummm…”escape issues” when I got it. Lovely seller, excellent sale, but…that parcel smelled differently than my Newsweek, sure enough.:x


    I would be too scared too. Suppose something happened and it exploded on someone. Would the purchaser get in trouble if there is no return address?


    Annilyn Lily wrote:

    I would be too scared too. Suppose something happened and it exploded on someone. Would the purchaser get in trouble if there is no return address?

    If the purchaser had any sense he would deny all knowledge.

    Exploding poo – there’s a thought. :X


    I’d do it. Not sure what everyone is in such a panic about. Its just poo, ladies.

    PM me if you’re still looking. 🙂


    How about you just keep on selling your shit on MPS then? Its seems like everyone else does over there. :huh:


    you would,nt say it was just poo if you was the poor sod delivering a parcel that might spring a leak. i agree with serena, stay over there and sell shit.

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