I want pee and panties

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  • #25244

    morning golden yellow pee and soaking wet fullback panties a young woman preferably blonde no fat women please or black A whole pint of pee please


    I take it you’re fucking with us right? The racial and fat tags are to stir the muck? :laugh:


    young blonde
    not fat
    not black

    not very polite,i would say:huh:

    Jazzy :dry:


    collinsjesse430 wrote:

    morning golden yellow pee and soaking wet fullback panties a young woman preferably blonde no fat women please or black A whole pint of pee please


    If I knew you were going to be so racist, rude and judgemental I wouldn’t have pointed you to Panty Hog! :angry:

    Why don’t you just say Aryan with Nazi great-grandfather and be done…?

    Sorry everyone 🙁






    I am sorry for coming off racist I like black women also this time I just wanted a young blondes piss soaked panties maybe nextime I will buy a black womens I just do not like the taste of an overweight womens pee.
    So please forgive me I just want some pee Sorry to anyone of whom I may have offended but seriously I am not racist


    collinsjesse430 wrote:

    I am sorry for coming off racist I like black women also this time I just wanted a young blondes piss soaked panties maybe nextime I will buy a black womens I just do not like the taste of an overweight womens pee.
    So please forgive me I just want some pee Sorry to anyone of whom I may have offended but seriously I am not racist

    How is an overweight woman’s pee any different? What sample size have you based this on? Does it taste of chocolate or cake?



    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    Having been here for quite some time,i have made many good friends male and female.
    A lot of whom i have never even seen,so i think more importantly,it is the person and their way of dealing with people,all of whom have shown me politeness,kindness and consideration.
    These things cannot be seen,but you will recognise it when you get to know the person.
    just my opinion.;)

    Jazzy :dry: It’s Nice to be Nice

    try it and see.:silly:


    Dang it, I totally wanted to give you tons of my pee, but alas, I am fat and black. Too bad for me. I can only hope that one day you will humble yourself by accepting urine from a fat black girl.



    i had no idea a blonde & a black woman had different types of urine…..oh well.lol

    Panty Drawer

    I offer peed in panties.


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