I'm back!

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  • #25629

    Wow, it’s been a long time, but I’m back and looking to be part of the scene again. :} I’m going to be moving to Saskatoon at the end of the month (Saskatchewan, Canada for those of you that are unfamiliar) so I won’t have a camera to put up recent pictures until I get settled in. I’m just looking for good people to chat with for a while anyway, though if we get to talking to for a while and you happen to want to buy from me, that’s cool too. hehe Considering I was never on the forums that much in the first place maybe I should re-introduce myself.
    Time for a barrage of random facts!
    I’m Julie
    I’m 23 and my birthday is December 17th
    My favorite color is silver and silver spray paint is one of my favorite things to play with
    It’s extremely rare for me to swear
    I love music, preferrably industrial or techno
    Which leads to the fact that I absolutely love to dance
    I can weld with the best of’em yet for some reason I choose not to work as a welder
    My priorities go from immediate family, to friends, to taking care of the cats, to fun, to meeting new people, to making money, to eating, to sleeping… in that order
    I have two cats that are right adorable
    I hot glue things together when my hot glue gun is near me, which is a lot
    If I could just barter for everything, I would
    I suck at doing laundry, I don’t know why, I don’t shrink anything but for some reason when I wash clothes that are all at least 4 years old the colors still bleed, it perplexes me
    I JUST got a cell phone like 3 weeks ago, but have disabled texting as I believe a phone should be used as a phone, I’d rather get a 10 second call about nothing than read the same words cause at least I get to hear your voice to make up for the useless info :}
    I’d say I have a decent body but I’m still very modest, this makes selling hard to do cause I don’t do nude pictures, I’ve been called worse things than a prude because of this but whatever
    I love playing video games but I have horrible hand-eye coordination
    I love cartoons and candy, I’ve also been told I’m naive so I guess I’m just an overgrown kid :} haha
    I’ve lost 17 lbs in 2 monthes without working out, I’m not complaining but still..
    My hours are backwards right now, I wake up at 7pm, have breakfast at around 9pm, lunch at 3am, supper at 9am, and go to bed at 11am but I like it that way
    I really like climbing the cages on top of bridges, but I like skydiving more
    Alright, I’ll stop hehe If there’s anything I missed, which I’m sure there is, feel free to ask!
    Definitely glad to be back!


    You sound like my kinda girl 😉


    Hello cutiepi. I totally envy your hours. I’d love to be awake at night and sleep during the day. And welcome! I hope you have fun here.


    Hi you two! Glad some people still look at the forums every once in a while :} I love my hours! But unfortunately I work every weekend, though trying to find people to party with on Mondays and Tuesdays is pretty fun.

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