Is she in it for the money?

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  • #1957

    I completely agree with Cherie and the notion of if you’ve paid up and it’s not what you thought it’d be then speak up. Being buisiness minded I know that reputation is built by having the ability to take a bad situation and turn it good.

    If I sell something and the buyer’s not happy then go for it, announce it openly. I’m more than happy with that because I can openly ammend it. I never want anyone to leave unhappy but I would be peeved if I wasn’t given the chance before I was bad mouthed.

    Being an absolute non smoker the aroma just doesn’t float my boat but I do see that it has appeal. It does seem to me though, that the majority of bodywear lovers aim more for subtle body scent, so I presume that’s what they’d automaticaly come to expect.

    BUT saying that, I think for every one person that dislikes it there’s another one that does. You can’t fail really. If you’re a smoker and you provide a description on what scents to realisticly expect on the items you buy then you should advise that smoke may be on it. After all you’re the one selling, why should a buyer chase you? It’s unfair to sell with a description of ‘Enjoy my soft body scent and exotic perfume’ but in reality it’s overpowered by smoke. It obviously does misrepresent itself.

    (Again, this isn’t any reflection on Sharona, can’t comment as I’ve never met her, it’s just a general comment on a subject  :))


    Yes I do agree with Cherie too actually as she raised some good points, however also being a non smoker myself I would expect that clients who also dont smoke and dislike that smell to take it upon themselves to really check with the buyer beforehand – especially if the seller doesnt mention on their site if they smoke or have a smokey household.

    Champers, you are also right in saying that sellers should mention all the scents that may accompany an order and that may include the smell of smoke, perfume, sweat from working out or even perhaps farts for that matter – its always best to tell the truth – the things I sometimes get requests for are really eye openers and I know for sure that there are MANY guys out there that love certain tangy “flavours”.? :X

    Also, it is very hard to determine what we smell like as everyone has different expectations and noses, plus I know for a fact my scent varies from day to day.? Recently, I sent out a pair of my gushers with a note saying that the ejaculation didnt seem to be as potent as usual and if they are unhappy to get back to me and I will send them a replacement – however the guy said he didnt like strong scents anyway so he was over the moon. … I just wondered what would have happened if I had of sent him one of my “knock-out” gushers …? :ohmy:

    So honesty does pay in the end but PKs view of turning around a not so positive feedback directed at those that enjoy that kind of thing is the best idea.

    I dont generally like to see anyone get slated or slandered, especially when I know people are genuine, but whatever the feedback, it should perhaps always be written a little more courteously.

    Love Cinds xx


    It is good to be nice,

    But it is hard to be nice, when feelings get in the way…

    Don’t you think?  I understand that a product, ( pantys) can hane very different smells according to a lot of variables…

    there is a responsibility on Both partys…

    the seller should disclose all the products within reason that may effect the product.

    the Buyer should make sure the seller knows of any products that will cause him discomfort. 


    I know that is a Lot of notification!!!  :ohmy:



    As this post was from more than a year ago is it not unfair to punish Sharona again for the second time.Like most people we all have faults so let’s live and let live.
    just a thought :huh:

    :laugh:  Jazzy    :laugh:


    A few posts have been deleted off this section so it might be confusing to read.

    Basically, if anyone finds an old post that they wish to answer to, please note the date.

    To try and continue a conversation or a comment which was left over a year ago is irrelevant, especially if it concerns a seller’s reputation.

    Be careful what you write and try and be diplomatic.  If any buyer has a problem with a purchase, please contact the seller first and try and sort something out before launching in here and posting thoughts and opinions which may not be entirely justified.

    Thanks guys!
    Love Cinds xxxxxxxx

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