Looking for a new camera, I need reccomendations!!

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    well Just what the topic says.  I need a new digi cam as my old one is just not cutting it(its an hp435).  I have never shopped for a camera thoguh as the one I have was a gift about 4 years ago.  So I am completely overwelmed with all the chioces.  So here is what I’m looking for: I need a digi cam with decent mega pixels ( current one has 3.3) I would prefer lithium battery or 4AA, an ISO of 800+,  quick shutter speed, the ability to shoot video, having a remote would be nice as well, but not necisary.  IF any one can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.


    Here’s a link that might help a little. It has reviews and you can compare by megapixels, price or manufacturer.  Do you have an idea of how much you want to spend?



    thanks for the link.  lol its funy, right after I posted, I was talking to the husband about not finding a camera nad he said oh, I have just the one, and he pulls up http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000HAOVC6/ref=wl_it_dp/104-2646595-1201536?ie=UTF8&coliid=I22GGUIX8V0N33&colid=15OPHUV3RRXMU this.  LOl leave it to him to know exactly what I wanted. So as soon as a few more payments come in this sucker is mine :cheer: yaaaayyy!


    Nice camera.  I was going to reccomend Cannon, but I wanted to check out the newest models.  I recently purchased a Cannon Digital SLR.  🙂

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