You know how us men love to revert to our Neanderthal selves? 😉
Well – last week this 25ft cherry tree fell down in our garden. No damage though there was a “Thank f**k we weren’t standing there!”.
Oh well – get some blokes in to clear it. How much then? £300 – are you effin’ havin a laugh? :crazy2: . I’ll bloody do it myself thought I – being a smart arse. I mean how difficult can it be?
Well after chopping it up yesterday, today was “take it to the dump” day. Well – I quickly realised that it would take me 10 years at that rate. So – bing – I know, set light to it and simply take the big stuff to the dump.
So there I was, tea in hand, tending the fire, smelling the smoke, with the sun shining. That I was it – I was back hunting mammoths! :laugh:
say “oooo – me back!”
F**k I’m knackered. So no fun on the bear skins tonight! :laugh:
How on earth did the Cavemen have the energy to shag? :ohmy: