Miami's Video

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  • #7975

    I just noticed Miami’s strip video in her gallery. It’s great, turn up your speakers and check it out here.

    Thanks for sharing it Miami.  😉


    ohhhhh yeahhhhhh!!!!!! jo

    hot hot hot!!!

    videos are aweome! Its a great way to distinguish the fake from the real deal .. I hate fakes! I want to rid of them! … tuna fish panty producers can’t post videos so now we know how important vids are!

    not to mention they are  jo

    oh one note: please watermark your name/website etc on the videos. Fakers can grab them and use them if they are not watermarked. If you like I can write an article about it or you can ask to other sellers.

    thanks for the eye candy Miami!! You are hot!


    WOW… I’m glad you guys like it 🙂

    Thanks guys… I have a few videos on my site!

    Kisses Mi XXX

    P.S OZZY can you please write a tutorial about water maling videoeos? I have heard about it but I have no idea how to do it 🙁



    Ozzy, sounds like a great piece for Panty University? I think our professors there have been on sabbatical for awhile. :cheer:


    I have only heard about Sunset Strip,now though i have  seen Miami strip,well worth a visit. 😉

            :laugh:  Jazzy    :laugh:

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