Mini Chat Is Here

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  • #6920

    Hmm, clearly some sort of favouritism going on here  :unsure:

    Actually PK, you’re right, there is no user menu on the left.  So I need to log out, go and eat some cookies (and have some milk) come back upstairs, log on and hey presto I’ll be allowed back into the panty drawer again?

    Ok, I’ll try it

    Anna smt


    Did it work?


    PK, I’m on IE right now and I still cant see it. I have deleted the cache, cookies everything and I still cant see it. It still doesnt work either in IE or Firefox. I have logged out and log back in and still no hope.

    your observation about the north america and the restof the world is interesting. I can think of two possibilites. One is the DNS which I dont think you have changed it recently.

    Second, if you have the site cache turned on in the admin panel you might want to turn it off and clear the cache on the server. Sometimes when I do some component testing deleting the site cache helped especially with the pic gallery. You might have to SSH into your account if you cant see the session cache via FTP.

    re your question: yes I can see my user menu on the left. I can see ” Hey, Ozzy, you have x messages…” etc both on the forum and on the main site :huh:


    wooohooo i see it!!! :cheer:


    I’m in the UK and I can see it using Explorer or Firefox


    Ozzy, I’ll refresh the site cache. however, the user menu I’m talking about is the one with links to “add your news”, Create/edit media gallery”, Add story/blog”, etc. Do you see this one? Also, are you able to view the photos in the gallery?



    I just checked, and you’re not showing as logged into the main site Ozzy. What site template are you seeing (the over all site, not the forum), the pink one?


    Hey PK can you see me logged in now? I have logged out and in again.

    nope I dont see the menu items you mentioned. it says I have to login… can’t view the galleries. there it says im not authorized.  🙁 it seems like I’m the only one around here who is having problems. lol..  :laugh: well at least the forum is working so its fine. I’m not gonna worry about the minichat for now.


    What site template are you seeing (the over all site, not the forum), the pink one?

    yep…the pinky…


    Maybe it’s a minichat because we don’t have much to say:huh:



    PK and I had a lovely conversation!

    Try harder Krooze


    Anna smt


    Hi PK,

    just to add to the see / not see discussion.  I’m in Europe and can see the chat and menus ok  :)  SO I don’t think it’s a US / Rest of World thing.



    Nope, Nada, Not there, Nothing  😥


    I believe that I may have solved the mystery of this problem for those who don’t get logged in to the main site (see the mini chat). There appears to be a bit of a quirk in the log in. The log in is now case-sensitive. If you log in without regard to case, you’ll get logged into the forum, but not the main site. I checked, and both Cindy and Ozzy registered with usernames with capitalization. Ozzy, when you log in make sure to capitalize your “O” as in “Ozzy”. Cindy, you have a few capital letters and should log in with: Cindy_PantyParadise

    Please let me know if this works for you. If it does, and you’d like, I can change your usernames to all lowercase.


    I don’t see it either PK.  :blush:

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