Oh Blush .. thanks guys 🙂 … Tomorrow is my big day and I tell you – I cannot remember the last Birthday when I felt so pampered, spoiled and just loved to bits.? Its going to be the best day ever tomorrow.
I used to be ashamed of my age when I hit 30, and had a major fear of getting older … now I LOVE being my age 34 summers old .. arrrrr yeah – the penny finally dropped, I finally know who I am and what I am and Im loving every minute of it 🙂
Gosh can you feel the lurve radiating from me .. hmmm maybe its the Baileys – half a bottle and not going queezy yet hahahaa
…Im going to reread this tomorrow and think wtf hahaa
Half an hour and counting (its 23.28 here) .. then I can open my cards (anyone would think Im 4 not 34 – but what the hell!!!)
Well Ill shuttup now before I make a total complete ass of myself lol? lmao
Cinds …. who is, yes really, 34 in half an hour