Mooncup experiences?

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  • #7184

    Hi Girls

    I found this on the tinternet

    Anyone know anything about it or used it or even heard about it!?

    Anna smt


    Well its certainly interesting.  Not my cup of tea personally though lol  .. I will ask some of my friends to see if they know of it.  Boots who stock it are normally pretty good so I guess it shouldnt be unhealthy or anything.


    I should hope that a mooncup isn’t your cup of tea…that’s gross….bleurgh

    Anna smt


    A girlfriend of mine who has very heavy periods (used to wear double tampons) has a Mooncup and loves it.  It could be very cost effective if you spend a lot on pads and tampons.  (Myself, I actually prefer the cheap maxi pads, and since I’m on the pill and don’t get heavy periods, my monthly tampon/pad bill is peanuts.)  I have tried “Instead”, which is a disposable version…  I thought it was quite clever (but my flow just isn’t heavy enough to really bother with it.)

    And believe me Anna, this is the internet…  Somewhere out there Mooncups ARE someone’s cup of tea!  :cheer:


    I guess I said the wrong thing there didnt I … blueurg indeedy!!!  lmao


    Hmm, thanks for that Allura. I think I may have to try it out.  I have quite heavy periods because I’m not taking any contraception  :(, and there is nothing worse than the squelch when you sit down or stand up from a full-up tampon.

    If there are any guys reading this I hope you’re so grossed you’ll stay out! Mentioning no names like andie and Ozzy

    I’m just worried that I’ll never get the damn thing out!

    Reckon I could get a good price then  ;)?

    Anna smt


    [quote author=Anna link=topic=992.msg5963#msg5963 date=1143820107]
    and there is nothing worse than the squelch when you sit down or stand up from a full-up tampon.

    How about when you sneeze and a gout of blood shoots down from your vagina and into your maxi pad? :ohmy:  I find that pretty bad!!!


    Oh God I had totally forgotten about all that – I used to suffer really badly with mine too. 

    Girls go get yourself the Mirena coil/IUD and stop torturing yourself every month! … I just wanna get hold of you and hug you all!  😛

    I seriously do not think that I can cope with having another period ever again. I havent had one for 7 years and the thought of going through it every month is just too much!

    Interesting article about the Mirena:

    Cinds xxx


    I use a Mooncup and I love it  🙂 It does take a little while to get the hang of, but once you do it’s no more trouble than inserting a tampon. There are benefits like being able to put it in before your period starts, so no rushing off to the loo every five minutes to check, much lower risk of TSS, better for the environment and for your body – and you know we panty sellers need nice healthy pusssies!

    There’s no way I’m going back to tampons now! I love my Mooncup  smt


    Well that’s it then, I’m definitley going to get one. 

    I too have had some gross tampon episodes, like the time I tried to remove one in a public lav.  It was suctioned inside, and I had to tug hard…it flew out with a shlurp…swung up and sprayed blood on the door…I didn’t know whether to laugh or gip. lmao

    I’ll pop down to Boots tomorrow, I’m fed up with fiddling with wrappers, sticky bits and losing the strings.

    I used to have a coil Cindy but I got a nasty infection, I ended up with uterine excitation which isn’t exciting at all, it’s very painful, just like labour contractions apparently  😥

    Anna smt

    Kinky Kate

    Okay…I’m convinced.  Does anyone know if mooncups are available in Canada?


    You can order them online from this UK site. There is a drop down box with all the countries on for you to select – Canada is there so get ordering…

    I’m going to get one today from my local store.

    Anna smt

    Kinky Kate

    Thanks Anna!  I’m going to look into it very soon.


    I’ve just bought my Mooncup.

    Initial thoughts…does that fit up there!? :ohmy:

    It’s actually very pliable, made from medical grade silicone.  You fold it up twice and it slips straight in…really easy and very comfortable.

    Boots sell them for £19.99, you’ll find them right next to the tampons and towels.  I’m amazed that no one ever told me about them, just think of the fortune I’ll save never having to buy san pro ever ever again!  Better for the environment too, I’m now having green periods  :laugh:

    Anna smt

    PS Don’t you just love instructions, they actaully recommend that you don’t share your Mooncup with another woman  lmao


    [quote author=Kinky Kate link=topic=992.msg5977#msg5977 date=1143860990]
    Okay…I’m convinced.  Does anyone know if mooncups are available in Canada?

    I think the NA version is called The Keeper, there is also Diva Cup  🙂

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