Moving To A New Server Today

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  • #6258

    This move is now complete. As always, please let me know if you encounter a problem.


    Woohoo!!!! You made it just fine!

    At least this wasn’t like when I was a kid and came home from school one day to find my family had moved with no forwarding address!!!  :ohmy:



    Nice move PK, nothing untoward happening for me as I test things out  B)

    Nice additions to the Media Gallery, I particularly liked the Classical Guitar piece on the demonstration sound file  😉

    Krooze! That happened to you too? Wow the first time that happened to me I put it down to thoughtlessness, the second time though I began to suspect something  lmao

    ps nice spell checker on posting .. or did I miss that before lmao


    I suppose I should have gotten the hint when my lunch was wrapped in a road map and there was a one way bus ticket to Hoboken with my sandwich!!! But I was young and didn’t pick up on all that.

    Well, I had serious problems last night just trying to get into PHOG! I hope that’s all just a bad dream and things are fine now.



    Yep, classical guitar music, photo of a famous landmark, and a video depicting an ancient Asian custom  ;), the demo gallery is just another of my attempts to spread some cultural experiences to the likes of Krooze who’s over there in the men’s locker room drinking beer and scratching his nuts.  lmao (just kidding Krooze)

    Seriously though, the move seems to have gone pretty well, and the spell check function is another feature that the new server allowed us to add. Thank God too, you all know that I need it! The problem you noticed, Krooze, was likely just related to the nameserver change. It generally takes about 24 hours or so for those to straighten out. We should be set now.


    PS: Here’s a tip, while that Asian cultural video is playing, right click on it to zoom to full-screen…nice. 🙂

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