Mushroom panties!!??

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  • #23135

    I got a pair of panties this week from a seller in another country. They took a looong time to get to me. I was really excited to open the package but I bout shit my pants when I looked at the crotch and found little mushrooms growing out of the creamy crust. What do I do now? I had to throw them right away and so I never got what I paid for.

    Have other buyers had bad experiences like this? Anyone seen mushrooms! Any advice?


    Welcome to Panty Hog. In twenty years around the panty scene I’ve never heard about mushrooms. I guess if the panties were moist enough and some spores found their way onto the panties it is possible.

    Did you let the seller know? Maybe she’ll offer to work with you on this? :unsure: Maybe other buyers or sellers will have some advice for you.

    A good question though, it would be interesting to hear from others who have had surprises when they opened their package.


    Mushrooms growing out of panties eh? ( always a first time for anything – I guess – but I’ve never/ever heard about that taking place in all my years )
    – Not much help hu? Sorry your happiness turned into :ohmy: so fast! –

    Welcome aboard,btw!!


    That my friend is some seriously fucked up shit. Actually you would have been better off letting the shrooms grow some more then dried them out and ground them up into a powder. No doubt some damn dude would have paid you $1400 for an once of that pussy shroom powder to use as an aphrodisiac. :laugh:

    I once got a pair of panties that came sealed in a foodsaver bag. When I cut it open I swear it was like being kicked in the face by the smell. It was bad. Like a fermented pissy smell. I ended up throwing them out too. I never said anything to the seller because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings but I never bought from her again. Sometimes you just get a bad batch I guess. If it hot and maybe some bad bacteria got in the package the panties can turn. Mushrooms though is really bad they must have been sitting in the mail a long time.


    That is utterly insane :ohmy:


    I have no problem from pretty woman panties. I love all of them. Still looking for my Asian princess to marry and enjoy her panty every night.


    I’ve had a few pairs that have gone moldy, I always ask the seller to let them dry before they package them now


    Mushrooms… that almost makes no sense. They dont just spontaneously propagate. How the heck would the spores get in there?

    Anyway, maybe they were psychedelic pussy shrooms and you would have spent 12 hours hallucinating about the taste of vaginas… too bad you threw them out… 😛


    I have to admit I find this thread a bit on the insulting side of life.


    Hey at least she sent them. Yeah, panties can turn in the mail but if the conditions are right it can happen at no fault of the seller. I agree that you should let her know what happened though.

    Mask Man N95

    Sasha wrote:

    Mushrooms… that almost makes no sense. They dont just spontaneously propagate. How the heck would the spores get in there?

    Anyway, maybe they were psychedelic pussy shrooms and you would have spent 12 hours hallucinating about the taste of vaginas… too bad you threw them out… 😛

    Indeed! Missed opportunities!


    wow… thats special… kinda makes me wonder what kind of mushrooms they were…
    you know you could have cooked with them, i agree with the mushroom aphrodsiac…

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