My panty auction ends TOMORROW! Sexy blue THONGS

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  • #20671

    hopfully she will be back to make some changes and we can put it down to teething troubles:)

    look at how much i messed about with my site and blog! i am surprised anyone looked after the 10th time lol

    sam xx


    Damn girl! You got too much junk in that trunk!



    good to see you have got a picture now



    Hi Jazzy, thanks for your understanding words, I appreciate it

    Everyone else, don’t get your “panties in a bunch” as they say! I didn’t realize my link issue would create such a stir on here. :angry: By the way, you shouldn’t criticize newbies on here. If you have technical suggestions to help me, that is great, but don’t be catty, thanks.
    I think it was a technical error. I tried fixing it 6 TIMES! This forum takes way too long to load, and I get errors CONSTANTLY so I didn’t want to bother w/it anymore. People could’ve always done a search for my name in the auction area to see my auction. I am not on the computer 24/7 so I do have a life :laugh:


    Hi Annispanties,

    Why, ummm, thanks for the compliments.:kiss:
    I think my butt looks bigger in the photo, than it really is, lol.


    Hi there, BlondePrincess.

    You and I have already been in touch privately 😉 , but I wanted to say hello to you here as well. Welcome to Panty Hog — and be patient with the web site, it has gone through a lot of changes recently.


    We say ‘don’t get your knickers in a twist’ around here!’ 😉

    None is criticizing Blonde Princess, we simply want more info about you, we asked you in more then one occasion, and you never told us about your tech troubles till now.
    Have you informed admin? I’m sure PK’d appreciate the feedback.
    Do you have a store at Pantybid? if so, your link would be
    This would help us to get to know you better.


    hiya again, dont think its is people critisising you, i am quite new myself and it is a lot of hard work and as its been said before you have to kind of put yourself out there so to speak!

    why dont you start off a blog? then you can put i link in to your signature box so people can find out more about you!

    at the moment all i know is that your blue thong is for auction! you could write about yourself on your blog including any panties you have to sell, have a look at others blogs that way you can get some idea of what people like to hear

    dont take this personally, it is genuine help from a newbie to a newbie:)

    sam x


    sorry i forgot to add, yes the site has been very slow! i was trying to post about my photo sets yesterday and it took ages i kept on getting “page can not be displayed” but you have to just keep trying, i am sure the site will sort itself out, it is still new!

    sam xx


    Hi and welcome, how did your auction go?
    I have found this version of PH a little hard to find my way around so don’t worry, you’ll get there in the end 🙂
    A blog would be good though – a great way for buyers to get to know more about you

    Ruby Red

    Hi, Blondeprincess, welcome to PH. I actually like bubble butts, they’re not fat, they’re just not flat. Love ’em that way 🙂

    Have fun, and def take in the feedback these panty pals offer, they’ve been there and know what they’re talking about :cheer:

    Cya 🙂

    Ruby Red


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