Never trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesnt die

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    Once again the bleeding, achey woman monster has arrived.
    Cramps, sudden gushing, irritableness and a very mean Domme side…
    I hate that every single month I get 5 or so days of hormonal grief and lack of appetite (for food) and that it ALWAYS falls over Christmas day.  mad

    Ladies, tell me, is it just me or does your period, despite the nastiness, make you horny as hell?
    I’m very sexual normally, but every month it triples, intensifies and takes alot to satisfy.
    PLEASE tell me i’m not the only one.

    I cant help or explain it.


    Yep same here……..but it’s good against cramps!!!!!!! Orgasms reduce the pain of cramps….( there is a study that proved that)
    So no you’re not  :idiot2: just smart 😉 keep on doin’ it smt


    I am a horrible beast directly after my period (and yes, I am on my period just now… and on painkillers) which makes for… errr… last time it was 7 times a day on different places and my partner was totally exhausted, hehe 😉
    Makes me a sex monster, lol


    This is so strange! I’m as horny as hell before my period, after my period and between my periods but whilst I’m actually on it? Nope, I’m hornless.

    Whilst on my breasts are sore I even have to hold them whilst I run up and down the stairs, I feel bloated, I eat too much chocolate, I’m stroppy, irritable and soooooo tired. I also have a cyst on a scar (in my groin area)which grows to 3 times it’s usual size whilst on and becomes painful too so I don’t want ANYONE near me thank you very much.


    I get randy before I’m due on. And for some reason I used to have the urge to bite my ex when I was due on… but for some reason it was only him I ever wanted to bite, never any guy since! Is that strange?  :idiot2:

    I don’t get moody or grotty really. I do feel a bit naff for a few hours and sometimes I get backache. But as revenge my period does last a week.  🙁


    Ooh yes, I get the urge sometimes to bite bottoms and nibble nipples, this is usually before my period, the 21 days before my period hahahaha

    Kinky Kate

    Well, I’ll be darned….now that I think about it, I too do get the urge to bite prior to & during my period.  Never made the connection until just now though!  As for randiness, yup, always been way more randy during it. :laugh: -Kate


    Hmmm, and i get very scratchy.
    MY partners back ends up looking like a map of Motorways and B roads when i’m done with him.


    So am I just weird then cos I am NOT horny during my period?



    Oh i`d love to comment on this thread, but i know whats good for my health!  lmao lmao lmao
    so i will be  :X  :laugh:


    Anna, I’m totally in agreement with you! I usually am way horny before and after, but during, I just want to be left alone! Well, kind of alone, I love my chips, my chocolate ice cream, and watching Lifetime movies.


    Yay! I’m normal smt


    Every woman is different…I have my monthly “horny spell” when I’m ovulating, right between periods, but I also get a bit of it during the first couple days of.  Of course, I’m also exceptionally irritable during those times too, so the fun comes with a price  :crazy2:



    Oh, and a p.s. for the younger ladies…I found that my cyclical horniness increased A LOT after I had kids!



    I’m at my absolute most vertiginous peak of desparate wantoness at about 14 days when I’m ovulating, at which point nothing is safe, man, woman or most warm blooded animals!

    I live with a woman and gradually our cycles have synchronised to the extent that when that midway point is reached the reverberations can be felt… well next door at least!

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