New Laws .. Your Views?
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- This topic has 18 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 19 years, 8 months ago by
July 7, 2005 at 7:26 am #2693
MemberWell PK has posted the new terms of service foisted on Panty Hog by the loony right wing lawmakers.? I think they blow as probably most of you do, and understand that PK is forced to take these steps.
What do you all think about these laws?
July 7, 2005 at 8:06 am #2694Cindy_PantyParadise
MemberIt is a right royal pain in the butt, however, is it such a bad thing? Just because people have to sign up or join to see certain things and girls have to supply proper age verification! … I cant really see the problem? :huh:
It will curb the amount of porn available on the internet and which is currently freely and easily available for kids to see, no matter if you use NetNanny or anything else – its just too much out there! fkd
PLUS it does protect us girls too … I am hoping that this will also cut down the “photo crime”! The amount of times I have seen my private photos on other peoples sites either claiming its them or just up for general viewing, that I am now hoping I can start feeling like I have a little control over my more explicit pics. 🙂
On my site you can only get my more explicit pics by buying them – but once they have been bought by someone it is amazing just how many “leak” out into the mainstream for everyone to see. :unsure:
So yes its annoying but I also think it is a wise move for those reasons above in particular. I hope the UK does the same to be honest. 😉
Im not a prude, but there is a place for everything and porn should not be so easily available and slapped in your face at every opportunity on the net – you cant even search for innocent things anymore and get sensible results as the amount of adult sites has taken over!!! :rolleyes:
Just my views from an Adult Webmistress bb
Love Cinds x
July 7, 2005 at 12:07 pm #2696Anonymous
GuestI don’t think it’s so bad. eBare have set up a new amataur site, in which you get a mini website within a collection, that they sell access to. They’re Brits and the certification was required for their site too. Everyone had to do it because the site was open to the states, that’s what we were told.
I think everyone’s very aware of where their information ends up and info like passports etc is a bit too “intimate” for my liking. If I’m forced to do it to get on in this business then so be it. But saying that, my pics are always solo and pretty tame. The raunchy is generally locked away 😉
I wholeheartedly agree that porn needs to be capped. I do think that web scams, dialers and spam are more important but the gods have spoken I guess! I think all the girls will agree that there’s no need for abuse from protestors of panty girls because (for the most of it) we keep the service behined the relevant walls, and aside from eBay sellers you have to actively searchout to find us. We aren’t rubbed in your face. I think that’s how it should be done smt
July 7, 2005 at 5:46 pm #2704cherie
MemberThe problem is NOT that adult business are now required to have age documentation for models, actresses, etc – that’s been on the books for years. It’s that the recordkeeping requirements have become MUCH more stringent.
Now, for instance, it’s not enough for a video production company to keep age verification records on all their actors/actresses. Now they also have to have such records cross-referenced to EVERY stage name said performer has EVER used. Each and every picture in a magazine technically must now have it’s own set of these records. And – this is the kicker – it’s not enough for just the producer/publisher to keep the records – every brick-and-mortar sex shop is supposed to have these records as well, for all the merchandise they carry.
Now just imagine a store with a stock of hundreds of videos and magazines trying to keep such records!
This law is emphatically NOT about keeping kids out of porn, it’s about trying to shut down adult businesses by loading them with impossible to fulfill bureaucratic requirements.Â
(btw, they used the same tactic way back when marijuana was made illegal – they passed a law saying you had to have a special tax stamp to sell it, then made the tax stamp impossible to get.)
From what I’ve been reading the new law is unlikely to stand up to the inevitable court challenge, but that’s not going to prevent the holier-than-thous from tearing down as many businesses as they can in the meantime.
I could be wrong, but I don’t *think* this law is at all likely to decrease the amount of porn accesible to kids on the net – after all, it doesn’t even apply to businesses based outside of the US or (as far as I know) to people with “personal” (i.e. free) smut sites. It might, but really, isn’t that what PARENTS are for? To keep an eye on what their kids are doing? Put it this way – if you left your kid in a room with a pile of playboy mags, would you then get riled at Hugh Hefner for making the porn available to your kids?
And as for it protecting we panty-sellers from copyright infringment or photo theft, I can’t imagine how it will help with that either – it’s not like you can report the theft of your pics to anyone now. If you did chances are you’d find YOURSELF under investigation instead!Â
July 7, 2005 at 6:18 pm #2708Cindy_PantyParadise
MemberHi Cherie I can see your points but I do have to disagree on a couple of points as I dont think you fully understood what I was trying to say.
I never said the law was about keeping kids out of porn – that was just one of the positive things that will come from this.
I for one have NO problem with my kids having a few PlayBoy mags – that is an entirely different kettle of fish than what can be found on the Internet nowadays – at least Playboy is tasteful and does not contain animals or rape fantasy (see where Im coming from?)!
I cant protect my kids 100 percent of the time on what they get up to on theirs or a friends PC.? You cant look over their shoulder 24/7 just in case they might look for “gangbang sex” when they should be looking for homework stuff.
Also, of course it will make a difference to the availability of porn on the internet.? I’m not the one who will get into trouble if my pics are being used .. its the site OWNER who is hosting these pics who has to take the rap.? So if they want to take the risk in displaying my pics its their problem, certainly not mine.
I feel that many more webmasters will be much more cautious now. The internet is a huge place but its bound to affect all areas, whether it be a positive outcome or a negative outcome; there will be a big change.
Also, America is a huge place and certainly the main place on the internet that has the best and the worst porn available.
… I didnt realise that sex toy shops need to have this documentaton aswell … lol – blimey!
Love Cinds xxxLove Cinds x
July 7, 2005 at 6:32 pm #2710leatherznzpice
MemberHoly shit! tell us your real views ladies smt
Truth be told I’m still reading up on the totality of the laws in question.
I think Cindy has a good point as far as Webmasters having to take the heat for using pictures on their sites. That alonme should make it tougher for people to abuse pictures that don’t belong to them, a fact not lost on a number of sites with galleries!
As far as reducing access to porn for children, a parent can only do so much, and NetNanny and the rest can easily be by-passed. If one side effect is to make access to ‘free porn’ or ripped off pictures on cheap sites then it’s a benefit.
As for shops et al having to have the same documentation I’ll have to check that one out. But I’d trust a jury or Supreme Court to throw that one out as unworkable. Sure the fanatics may try to apply the law to every unholy site and shop they can .. but the law isn’t an ass, well not all the time :cheer: And a few cases thrown out will prove it unworkable!
July 8, 2005 at 6:21 pm #2723cherie
Member[quote author=leatherznzpice link=topic=255.msg1236#msg1236 date=1120761134]And a few cases thrown out will prove it unworkable!
Yes, that is the hope!
I suppose it’s possible that some shady webmasters will now be discouraged from using stolen pics, but remember webmasters always were accountable for their pics – if they didn’t hold the age verification records they ought to have been able to point to the producer who did (this is how the law WAS).? If they didn’t respect the law then, why should they now?
Still, some of the newer and bolder shysters may now think twice about nicking from us? 😛
As for the kids…
The type of porn that Cindy talks about, bestiality, rape, etc does NOT come from the US.? That stuff is explicitly outlawed in most states, and outlawed by virtue of being considered obscene everywhere else.? Anybody producing stuff like that over here would already have been facing prosecution!? So how could a law that only applies to US pornmeisters curb it??
I see your point about not always being able to have your eye on what your kids are doing, especially as the kids get older and more likely to go looking for smut.? But I just don’t think increasing the recordkeeping burden is going to help that.? The big problem with kids and internet porn, it seems to me, is not so much the quantity of porn as it is that some people use trickery – misleading site names, keywords, etc – to get non-porn-seeking folks to click to porn sites.? Like calling it “” and using birtney spears related keywords, then having the site be a banner farm of porn links.
If the law were to stand I think what would happen would be a centalization of porn production and distribution – putting it all back into the hands of the “big money” companies that have the legal clout to stand up to lawsuits and the resources to keep all those records.? You wind up with porn on the net that it just as readily available to the minor who does a search for “gangbang sex,”? but now all he sees when he gets there are the standardized images of sex/women that big money always produces – bleach blonde, fake tits, fake orgasms etc – instead of the diversity of the “amateur” porn we have now.
Just one more note – as an American observer of American politics, I see this as one of those instances where lawmakers, anxious to be seen to be doing something, make a brouhaha over something not very relevant and pass a law that is unworkable.? ?”Protect kids from porn” is one of those hot-button issues here that no politician will disagree with for fear of losing the next election, and what with all the concerned parents around it makes a handy distraction from, say, the threat of terrorism.
Cindy, a quick question from your first post – does Britian (or Germany) not already have some kind of regulation requiring producers of porn to keep age documentation records on their models, etc?? Laws about that have been on the books here for decades!
Lady CherieWho loves a good discussion!
July 8, 2005 at 6:26 pm #2724cherie
MemberAnother thought…
It seems to me that if we REALLY wanted to protect or kids from accessing porn sites, a better solution would be to require all such sites to carry accurate ICRA labels.? Then give some federal funding to the ICRA, so they can continue to develop filtering technology and provide FREE parental protection software.
If the software is free, concerned parents have no excuse for not using it, and any sites found to be in violation can be prosecuted.
What do ya’ll think?
Lady CherieJuly 8, 2005 at 6:37 pm #2726Cindy_PantyParadise
MemberWell the idea of this new law is probably all done in good faith for many reasons, but also many darker reasons….one main one as you said, Cherie, money! ? I guess we wont really know how this will affect the internet and just how good or bad it will be for the porn industry in general.
As I have never had a porn site myself or know someone who does, so I dont know about how stringent the laws or regulations are in Europe. ?I know beasty and real hard core stuff is not allowed but I have to admit I am not up to date with the current laws on “regular” porn.
Germany was always one of the leaders in Europe for porn movies, so Im guessing that the rules over here are somewhat more relaxed than what you say are in the USA.
However, there will always be people out there launching softcore or hardcore porn sites no matter if there are laws or rules or anything no matter where they live.
Where there’s a will there’s usually a way 🙂 .. and the internet is a mighty big place!
… just read your bit about ICRA .. and I could not agree more! xxx
Love Cinds xx
July 8, 2005 at 6:46 pm #2728leatherznzpice
good posts 🙂
I was just reading them and got logged out :cheer:
Yeah it is a ‘hope’ that the law gets chalenged and is found unworkable, the fear is always that it isn’t challenged or is upheld and leads to even more stringent laws.
I’m pretty sure there are laws requiring age verification in Europe too.
I’m still mulling it all over and will get back .. I love a good discussion too!
As for the ICRA .. absolutely! More funding and more powers to prosecute those that abuse the rating certificates!
July 8, 2005 at 6:54 pm #2730jazzy
MemberWhen i first joined panty hog i complained about a young lady using the site as a front and mainly interested in selling home made videos@?50.-$100,but was told it was not breaking any law,my point was the sites name is panty-hog,panty being the operative word.
There are thousands of sites selling professionly made dvd etc for ?10-?15 and i have no complaints at all but they are not used panty sites,this was and still is my point.I assume i am in a minority but as you know i like to air my views whether you agree or not.I apologise if i have offended anyone but my view won’t change.Jazzy
July 8, 2005 at 7:04 pm #2732leatherznzpice
don’t applogise! I agree with you that Panty and Porn are 2 different things.? Panty is about eroticism, the tease, what is under the panties, fantasy. Porn is everything hanging out and where’s the eroticism in that?
So add me to the possible ‘minority’ list? B)
July 8, 2005 at 7:17 pm #2734Cindy_PantyParadise
MemberNow this is very interesting.? I think that panties and porn are not connected at all.
Why? Because panties is about the excitement of whats IN them, the erotism, the mystery, the sensual unknowing and the fantasy of what could be and is underneath that delicate sweet smelling material … oh sooo near and close but just too far … just a peek, please oh show me a little more, oh the excitement, the rush …. mmmm
Porn …? oh ok, quick fix … next!? Seen one, seen them all. “I’m bored!”
Not many girls can be successful at selling panties and porn together because the two just dont go together … either you get off on explicit images or you dont!? ?My main seller is my panties but I do have private collections for those that cant take the secret of whats in those panties of mine anymore and that works incredibly well 🙂
I am sure that the girls who focus mainly on videos and pictures do really well but not so well on selling panties… its just a different type of buyer altogether.
What do other panty girls think??
Love Cinds x
July 8, 2005 at 7:57 pm #2736cherie
MemberCindy, according to US regulations, the pictures on your site are porn just as surely as a XXX hardcore movie.? You too would be required to keep the age-verification records.
The problem with this view (that panties are not porn) is where do you draw that line?? I am speaking of the legal perspective here.? You may consider bestiality obscene and needing regulation, while your pics are tasteful and wholesome, but I guarantee you that there are plenty of people over here who would find your pics obscene.
I think you are right that the worn panty buyer is a different sort of customer to the more visually oriented guys, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t enjoy looking at more explicit pictures or that the visual guys don’t like more tasteful stuff.? In fact, I think that most of us (guys AND girls) are bored with the “let it all hang out” style of porn that has been so prevalent.? There’s not really much excitement in yet another close up of some penis going into some vagina, which I think is why “amateur” porn has become so popular.
Although, having said that, I think you are likely right about the panty-buying guys generally preferring more of a teasing approach…in fact, I think this could be said of fetishists in general.? It makes sense, since the focus of the person’s passion is on the fetish object and not the act of intercourse.? What do you fellas have to say?
Lady CherieJuly 8, 2005 at 8:07 pm #2737Cindy_PantyParadise
Member[quote author=cherie link=topic=255.msg1264#msg1264 date=1120852643]
Cindy, according to US regulations, the pictures on your site are porn just as surely as a XXX hardcore movie.? You too would be required to keep the age-verification records.
Lady CherieCherie… Maybe so, but I dont have any other girls on my site, just me, myself and I and I mainly only have tasteful pics apart from the odd one… and as for the age issue …you can kind of see those laughter lines cracking through on my pics (you dont have to look that hard lol) but if they ever DID ask me for age verification I would be SOOOO damn chuffed that I would give my beautician a massive tip and spend the day hugging everyone hahahaa
Have a good evening yall – Im hitting the sack xx
Love Cinds xx
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