The new site is more involved than the old. The new site asks your computer to perform a few more functions that it didn’t before which is more of an issue than the graphics. If you have a high speed connection, the speed at which the site loads is likely more dependent on your computer’s processing speed and free RAM.
Now that the site is up and the access critical issues have been delt with, I am beginning to tune it for speed. The biggest resource hogs that are slowing most people down at the moment are the the loading of the “From the Member Gallery”, the Mini Chat, and the video chatroom login box. I’m looking at alternatives for these things so we can speed things up for everyone. In the mean time, if you are finding that the site “hangs” for you, try viewing the forum in the full-width setting which doesn’t display the extras on the right-hand side of the page. If you are using Internet Explorer, make sure you upgrade to the newest version (IE7), and that your browser cache isn’t full. Firefox does move faster, but the site isn’t as “pretty” in Firefox. I’ll see how much I can streamline the current for speed, but I will likely also be adding a “lite” version of Panty Hog that members who find the site takes long to load or that access it through their PDA/cell phone can use.