***New UK Panty Seller*** Hi I'm Emily :-)

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  • #25130

    This is my first post here…My name is Emily and I’m another new panty seller, have noticed a few on here lol

    Must be the month or year for it is it lol

    Anyway hope your all kind to me 🙂

    Emily x


    Hello Emily

    This Q&A from your FAQ’s section is remarkably similar to mine:

    From your site
    Q. Why is some of your underwear more expensive than others?
    A. Simply because some of my underwear is more expensive for me to buy.

    From my site
    Why is your service more expensive then most?
    Simple. I buy expensive underwear!. My mark up is not unusually high, but the quality of my panties are.

    Also, I won’t be exchanging links with you as it is very transparent you use Paypal as method of payment.


    If you want to prove you are real, why don’t you just send that photo to panty trust? You’re already half way there.


    Annilyn Lily wrote:

    If you want to prove you are real, why don’t you just send that photo to panty trust? You’re already half way there.

    Stolen content? Paypal?
    Don’t think she’ll get the seal m’fraid :ohmy:


    Hi Girls,

    I think alot of everyones content on their website is similar hence we’re all doing the same thing! Apologies if its too similar I will look at changing it if I’ve offended you.

    I actually hadn’t realised :unsure: !! Probably beacause before I decided to take the plunge and give panty selling ago I did look at alot of the other girls websites first to give me an idea of how it works and do my homework, the text on numerous sites just lodged somewhere in my head lol

    Again, apologies I will change it…

    I know there is issues with Paypal, to be honest would actually rather just have cash but dont want to give my home address away!..and I understand from a buyers point of view its a trust issue..catch 22 really!! Had a look at alertpay but again not sure what info is given when processing a transaction!i.e address! Only been live over the weekend so its a bit trial and error for me…

    Have looked at pantytrust also seems a great idea as this gives faith to both buyers and sellers in panty selling but you have to pay $50.00!! Should be done for free lol Anyway again also looking into this…

    Phew lol

    Emily x



    Yes we will have similarities on our sites. We will have phrases like ‘panties for sale’ and ‘discreet packaging’ and we’ll also all have pics of panties – BUT we do not have the right to copy each other. Your site is a great opportunity to show you have researched and thought about your business. Your site is also a great way to show you haven’t…

    There aren’t just ‘issues’ with Paypal. Paypal DO NOT want you to use their company and services for adult transactions. The least we can do is respect that! If Paypal find you they will freeze your account and the buyer’s account. It is irresponsible to use Paypal and it makes you look as though all you’re interested in is getting your hands on the cash with as little effort as possible.

    I think you should have spent a bit more time looking into things before you went live.

    Regarding Panty Trust perhaps you would like to explain why someone should pay for the hosting out of their own money, promote you, increase your sales and give you additional tools to increase your business for free?


    If you look at Serenas post I didn’t copy her! She said our sites were remarkably similar!! So I agree we should not copy each others sites! So I hope your not suggesting I copied her site 😉


    ”This Q&A from your FAQ’s section is remarkably similar to mine:

    From your site
    Q. Why is some of your underwear more expensive than others?
    A. Simply because some of my underwear is more expensive for me to buy.

    From my site
    Why is your service more expensive then most?
    Simple. I buy expensive underwear!. My mark up is not unusually high, but the quality of my panties are.”

    See!…By the way Serena I have now edited my site :laugh:

    Anyway…lol I’m not neccessarily using paypal (your all assuming) as payment thats why I have online transaction and not paypal written in my site as im thinking about alertpay, just left it like that for now to show buyers I will accept online tranactions so at least there is another option there aswell as cash and amazon gift certificates.

    With regards to panty trust…Aye, well suppose you have a point didn’t think about them paying to promote and host you etc etc. Apologies, just don’t have the pennies at the min to register but would like to do it.

    Emily x

    P.S What a battle lol



    After your comments about paypal and your vague reference to ‘online payment’ you can hardly be surprised we are all assuming you use them! If you don’t then that’s good but best not to say you accept online payments if you haven’t got it sorted out yet. You can always add it later when you have.

    Have you looked at BACS? All the seller needs is your account number and sort code – that’s it. Check my article in the Panty University.

    Just because it isn’t a straight copy and paste doesn’t mean it isn’t copied. The compared text is remarkably similar which will always raise concerns – hence the query. Just bear it in mind.

    Some buyers will pay your PT fee for you in exchange for panties because they believe in what Panty Trust stands for. Put on your site that you intend to get verified but are short of funds and someone may do this – it has happened with other sellers before.


    You won’t get off the hook on technicalities Emily!
    You intended to use Paypal, period.
    You have hardly researched the industry, hence your comments about panty trust.
    What part of ‘Sellers wishing to exchange banners need to have been active for 1 year’ was not clear to you before you emailed me? :unsure:
    You have imitated my content which is as unlawful and dishonest as copying.
    I’m not even sure why you feel the need to state your panties are expensive, they seem averagely priced to me.

    I accept your apology, believe me I do.
    Its not very often that sellers have the balls to put their hands up, they much prefer to hide behind the monitor.
    I do however strongly suggest you do become verified and in the future you read what you’re signing up for. Show people you know what you’re talking about and they will respect you.



    Why don’t girls get verified before they start selling? I did. I can’t understand ANY reason for not being verified. $50 is not a lot of money when you are STARTING A BUSINESS.



    Cheers for advice…all taken on board…

    Hope this is the end of my slaughtering!! lol

    Emily x


    Emily,As i am only a man,i know the advice from the girls will be helpful,they are experts and i am only a buyer,so as they say ”Things can only get better”;)

    Take care and Good Luck:silly:

    Jazzy :dry:


    Cheers Jazzy…

    Emily xx

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