OMG Sl is being a complete ArseHat

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  • #12147

    Now, dont get me wrong, I love SL, its good fun and has lead me to meet some great people and new friends…
    But is it just me or is it being an UTTER cunt this evening?

    I mean above and beyond the call of duty.
    I got logged out, no new thing.
    But everytime i try and log back it it says I am in the middle of being logged out and cannot return until “blah said time”
    If it said 1:12pm then I went back then and tried only to be given a new time frame a few minutes later than that.
    And again…and again…and again…
    I am getting mightly pissed off.

    Outsider (my partner) has gotten on, so its not all of SL having issues.  But it keeps freezing him while scripting too.


    OMG, well i hope its sorted out real soon


    Yea,I get freezing while scripting to sometimes!
      :)  ( But,I just grin and pretty soon, it bounces back like it should )


    Yesterday was totally awful, worst it has ever been for me, anyway.

    The freezing up was really infuriating that I gave up even trying to log in.  Hopefully this will be sorted soon – SL is a pain in the ass but I do think the developers try and sort out these issues asap.


    Wow! I was in about 5 different times (LOL), and didnt have any trouble at all.  Weird!

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