Online Banking help

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  • #10963

    Hi guys and dolls

    After searching for a decent and reliable online payment system and coming up short everytime i’ve finally gotten around to setting up an online banking account with my own bank.

    Of course this will be for payments from the customers i trust, and not new ones, but as i;ve never used online banking like this before i’m a little cautious and confused.

    To get an online payment straight to my account from someone what details do i have to give them?  Do i give them my account number or my email or what?
    I obviously do not want to give the wrong details.

    Thanks for any help beautiful people smt

    Xxx Fetish Kitten xxX


    Hi Hon
    Its really safe in the UK. All you need to give the customer is your Account Number and Sort Code. NOTHING ELSE! I always ask that in the subject/reference line they state their surname so I can see who has paid what in and when as their name will show up on your bank statement.

    You are giving out less information than appears on a personal cheque and so is absolutely safe.  If any customer or potential customer says he cannot perform this without having your name or bank branch etc., tell him to piss off because that is absolutely not true – they don’t even need to know which bank you use as this information is already coded in the sort code.

    I’ve used Bank Transfers for years now without any problems at all.  And the best part is, it only takes 3 days to clear and you don’t get charged if transfers are being done in the currency of your bank account (eg: England = Sterling).

    Love Cinds xx


    Thanks so so much for the help Cindy
    I managed to get hold of my bank after Ages on hold listening to musak (eurgh!)

    And they said the same, though strangely they also told me that people would need the account holders name IE my initials and surname to pay in if not paying online!  I was suprised to hear that, and from my bank too.  :huh:

    Xxx Fetish Kitten xxX


    Hi Kez. that could be true and I have only ever given out my first initial and surname if someone wanted to pay in cash or cheque directly into my bank account.

    Online banking is different and most people use it nowadays.  For some reason with online banking you do not need to give out your name or any initials, only your account number and sort code.  Seems all a bit odd doesn’t it but its still safe and works a treat 🙂



    I know that when I have set up payments myself all I need is their sort code, their account number and a reference of my choice to show at my end and a reference so they can identify me at their end.

    So if I send a payment to Cinds, I’d pop in her sort code, her account, my name so she knows it is from me and her name to show on my statement so I know where that cash has gone. Nothing else is needed if they set payment up online.

    Why they need more detail over the counter I don’t know. One buyer told me that the counter assistant wouldn’t accept handwritten details!! This is possibly only because wrong numbers would mean a lost payment. Why the discrepancy between online and counter though I don’t know.

    I give out initial and surname, sort, account and bank, it’s no more than I have on my cheque so I don’t mind.

    The biggest problem is when a buyer uses a reference that means nothing to me, therefore I can’t identify who he is!

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