Ovulation apnty?? huh? question

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    OK, I just got asked if I did ovulation panties, what the heck?  lol I’ll wear panties anytime, but how in the heck do you know when you ovulate?  I’m not sure I even do, cause I’m on the pill. Anyone know? thanks


    :huh: :huh: :cheer:


    You can work out your ovulation time (otherwise known as scary fertile baby making time – aaargh) from the start date of your last period.

    Guys like ovulation panties because your discharge is heavier and creamier.

    The quantity of mucus will increase greatly as you enter your most fertile stage. The mucus will have the appearance of raw egg white. The texture will become increasingly slippery and stretchy. The overall sensation is extremely wet.source

    Here’s a handy ovulation calendarto work out your best ovulating time. I suppose it only really works out accurate if your cycle is fairly regular.



    I don’t think you ovulate when you’re on the pill. From what I understand about birth control, the way it works is that you don’t release an egg, so you can’t get pregnant. Is that correct, does anyone else know?


    It may depend on the type of pill but I understand the the pill thickens your mucus so that the sperm can’t swim through it to get to your egg.

    I’m not on the pill and never have been so I’m afraid I’m rather ignorant about it.

    Where’s our newbie seller? Nurse!!?


    lol maybe this is a question for my ob/gyn when I go in for my yearly.  lol I can see it now.  Doc I need to know if I ovulate so I can sell panties hahaha.  Anyway, yeah I gues I should read up some on the pill, I’ve been on it since I was 19 for heavy bleeding.  I guess I should know how it works.


    I found this on a women’s health site. Thought it would be helpful to post here:

    The birth control pill works primarily by blocking ovulation (release of an egg). If there is no egg to meet the sperm, pregnancy cannot occur. The pill also works by making cervical mucous thick and unreceptive to sperm, slowing tubal function which has to move the egg down the tube to meet the sperm, and by making the lining of the endometrium unreceptive to implantation of a fertilized egg should one get as far as the uterus. In general, women do not ovulate until at least 10 days after stopping birth control pills.

    So, there you go 🙂


    Brilliant Kacie

    So at least we were all right! So if you’re on the pill you don’t ovulate but you have consistent thick mucus.

    If you’re not on the pill, you ovulate and produce a particular type of mucus during a certain time period, see calendar below.

    Glad we sorted that one out then  :laugh:


    thanks Kacie, now we know.  🙂


    Something else I’ve found about thanks to this thread is that not only do I ovulate (no hormonal birth control) but I also have a dry spell after my period where no mucus is produced.  That means that I can’t produce wet panties for 10 days of the month 🙁

    Mind you that’s a bit of a relief, I hadn’t noticed the dry panties before panty selling, and the dryness was a worry, I was beginning to think I was a bit faulty. Turns out I’m completely natural after all  :laugh:

    35 yrs old and I’ve only discovered this!! Please say it isn’t just me who was so clueless regarding the female cycle outside of the dratted periods!



    I get dryness for at least 4 days afterwards too…And its actually annoying.
    Most of the girls i know get it.
    The only reason i didnt worry was because i knew i wasnt the only one, i had no idea WHY but i thought it had to be normal if i wasnt the only one lol.


    Oh gawd I just found this thread ! Course If you want to be certain you’re ovulating you can get tester kits {clear blue in the uk , not sure about usa} which you could always send to the buyer as proof.
    The other way is to take your temperature as it will rise when you’re ovulating.
    Anna trust me , I’ve met GPs who dont understand the menstrual cycle and they’re supposed to have trained in it. Plus I manaed to get pregnant and not know for 6 months because I was on the depot provera injection! :angry: It was very funny , the doc told me I had a stomach ulcer and in the scan my mate was in tears and I was saying to the lady are you sure its not a stomach ulcer ? :uglystupid2:


    Good idea Tabitha but they don’t need proof, it looks as though I sneezed in my knickers! hahaha

    Our docs are rubbish aren’t they? I was told after I’d been rushed to A&E 4 times that I had constipation – turns out I had an infected gall bladder!


    Ugh. Doctors, don’t get me started.  In the past 4 months I’ve had over $10,000 in tests done, which most of course were rather unpleasant.  T rying to narrow down the reason for abdominal pain.  I have another appt Tuesday – hopefully it will be the last. I’m not hopeful though.

    Onto the ovulation thing.  I believe your scents are actually stronger during that time too.  I have a customer who tells me that my ovulation panties from 5 months ago still smell wonderful!  If your cycle is “regular”, you can pretty much tell when that time is coming, and sell panties to coordinate with the cycle.  My best smelling panties though are in the 0-5 days after my period ends. They’re incredible!  Very strong. Even I like how they smell!


    😥 oooh glitter good luck for tuesday I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you! If you ever want info digging up for you or a bit of translation of doctor terms {why say conjunctivitis when what they mean is a bit of your eye is swollen !} then feel free to email me and I’ll be happy to help.
    And I hope you’re better now Anna , even though I work in health care some of the things that happen never cease to amaze me , I really don’t think we’ve come that much further from blaming anything wrong with women on hysteria {if you look at the old books that basically translates as you’re a women , you’ve got squishy bits and thats whats wrong with you now leave my presence!}
    Unfortunately I can never predict my cycle so its a case of someone being luckier than usual… :knuppel2:

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