Panty Hog in Second Life is here!

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  • #11654

    Sorry that the very first day we opened Second Life had some trouble. The good news is that every thing seems to be working and stable now. Today really was an unusual occurrence.

    Second Life is pretty solid, it was started and is run by the guy who started and owned Real Networks (You know the Real Player that competes with Microsoft Media Player). In addition, Circut City, Reuters News Service, IBM, MTV, Microsoft, Pepsi, Walmart is coming, and a bunch of other “big names” have recently opened in Second Life so I’m sure they are doing every thing possible to make certain the grid stays up.

    Thanks and congratulations to David (not Dave  😉 ) for not only being the first Panty Hog member to make it to Panty Hog SL, but also being the first to use the tip jar. Thank you David, that was very nice of you and it is much appreciated! It was nice to meet you too Fetish Kitten.

    🙂 PK


    I`m not even going to try getting into Second life until next week as i`ve not really been on sites like this, so will need time to look at it and understand how it works. I`m just a little  :uglystupid2: when it comes to site`s like this  :laugh:

    Kinky Kate

    Oh, my…sounds like I might be needing someone to take my hand & walk me through this whole process.  But it does sound very interesting & I can’t wait to jump in.  I need to wait untill I can dedicate a good chunk of my time without interruptions to figuring it all out.  Perhaps during the week.  Can’t wait! -KK


    Hi Guys,

    Click that sign up link and come on in! Two million plus people have joined so don’t assume you’ll have trouble or need to figure anything out before you try. It is just as likely you’ll have no trouble at all and then you’ll have waited for nothing!

    :smiley6600: PK

    Kinky Kate

    OK, here goes…….


    mad well i can log on but the the site freezes on me! I give up, Will try on Tuesday morning when i have more Patience.


    Panty Hog in Second Life was very busy today. We had several more members show up, and some sales spaces have been rented and the ladies are hard at work setting them up. H_D turned himself into an impressive pirate, and Anna’s Avatar no longer looks like the creature from the black lagoon! Infact all the ladies are looking way hot. Solange is sporting a booty to dream about 😛 , Kinky Kate is on her way, Kez now flies around with wings, Rachy’s avatar is very cute but she can’t yet see herself, and Cindy well…let’s just say:  jo  .

    One thing we learned today too is that if you use an Apple computer, you need to hold the apple key down when you right-click when in Second Life for it to work.

    If you haven’t checked it out yet, please come by and join the fun. We are going to host the after hours for the Golden Panty Awards there so you’ll definitely want to be in by then. You can register by
    clicking here.

    😉 PK


    Hi everyone,

    I’ve explored beyond the PH boundaries and discovered free clothes and even a helicopter demo (which I crashed! :laugh:).

    You can buy planes to get about in (or impress your mates with :P).

    All in all – v good!.

    Re Kez’s wings – they are very becoming but lets hope she doesn’t get all flighty on us :cheer:!  She also has a wand (which can be used for beating us customers into submission.)  😛

    Happy New Year to all.

    David xXx

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