PayPal now accepting Panty Sales ?!?!?!

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  • #14957

    I’d gone to the Adam & Eve website (which is a large, reputable company that’s been around for probably 30 years now) to do some sex toy window-shopping, and I noticed a big ol’ “Now accepting PayPal!” button.  Knowing PayPal’s hostile attitude toward adult merchandise, and knowing that a business like Adam & Eve was unlikely to be using them fraudulently, I had to check it out.

    PayPal have changed their TOS, and here is the relevant page:

    Looks to me like this means we can now legitimately take PayPal for panties.

    Anybody else seen this?  Anybody tried using PayPal yet?


    p.s.  I AM still here, but have been in over my head this past year with some family stuff.  I think things are getting under control know, and I hope to be back among ya’ll soon.  🙂


    Adam and Eve have accepted PayPal for many months now. I just figured that since they sell millions of dollars of goods, Paypal was willing to bend their rules for them. Thanks for pointing out the changes in the terms of service. I hadn’t noticed that. Certainly looks interesting. However the wording is still a bit vague. Display of genitals and digital goods might be a problem for many panty sellers. Certainly would be interesting to get more information directly from PayPal.

    😉 PK


    “PayPal also currently does not allow transactions for any sexually oriented physical or digital goods by non-U.S. residents.”

    Possibly great news for you all over the pond  smt


    Ohhhhhhh man :unsure:
    u.s is always lucky!!!! Well i have been using paypal on SL, so i guess i just need to continue to do that.

    Kinky Kate

    Yup, Canada is left out in the cold too Solange ! -KK


    Is it just me or am I not seeing a bunch of the posts that were originally posted to this thread?  :unsure:


    The previous posts probably got lost when PK redid the site on Tuesday.  I recall saying that it is also wise that if anyone DOES wish to chance using PayPal that they should get written confirmation from them that they say it is OK for you to use them.  They stitched me up really bad a few years ago, and I don’t want anyone to go through what I did.


    Thanks Cindy. Panty Hog’s database is backed up twice a day. When it has to be restored as it was on Tuesday, if it’s been a few hours since the back up, we’ll lose a few posts.

    PK  :smiley6600:


    Hello – newbie here havent officially introduced myself yet but wanted to chime in if I may.

    I have seen a few people recently accepting paypal and while I was a little shocked – doesnt seem to be an issue as the transactions go to paypal via their cart with only an inventory number (ie-th1x24).
    If reported I am sure PP would freeze and lock.
    Their policy is absolutely no adult products that relate to personal intimate items etc.

    A/e being a vendor of *novelty items meant for entertainment purposes only (ahm) may have as mentioned gotten a way around this.

    Ebay and Paypal are one in the same and even some of the largest clients are paypal restricted when it comes to selling adult dvds. I cant imagine they are on the panty green light at this time.



    I lost the e-mail I had received from PayPal’s Acceptable Use (or whatever they call it) department. Basically, I had received verbal approval and something vague in writing. However, when it came down to getting actual approval in writing, well, it didn’t go so well. In fact, THEY DO NOT ALLOW PP to be used for any worn adult items. In fact, their new policy doesn’t allow for much of anything adult natured.

    Good luck.

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