Pierced Panties now using Messenger

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  • #18511

    So I’ve finally taken Mike’s advice and got myself on MSN/Window’s Live Messenger.

    My address is piercedpanties@hotmail.co.uk  so feel free to add me and get to know me!  My other e-mail address is still in use, this new one is just for Messenger.



    Oh can i be the one to pop your virgin cherry on messanger ?  :laugh:


    Ruby Red

    Let him do it, E lol  :laugh:  He’s oh so gentle and it feels good.

    Yes, he popped mine and I loved it :kiss:



    Oh i gone and done it!  ;)  I`ve popped E`s  virgin cherry on messanger  :laugh:
    And what a lovely chat it was too  B) Thanks E  :kiss:



    I’d love to be on Messenger,think her first name is Melinda,
    just a thought. smt

    ;)  Jazzy    😉



    lmao lmao
    good one  😉

    Mask Man N95

    That rocks! I shall need to add you tomorrow!


    Hi everyone,

    I was going to start a new topic, but I figured I’d post here instead.

    My laptop has died, gone kaputt, ‘end of line’ as the guy in the shop said!! I’m incredably upset as you can imagine.  But I won’t be able to update my site much as a result, and my internet access will be much much less.  😥

    So, if I don’t reply often or you think I’ve dropped off the face of the planet, I havn’t, I’m just crying in a corner due to lack of online communication!  😉


    xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

    Ruby Red

    awww, computer died, eh? It must have caught a virus
    [me=Ruby Red]hears crickets[/me]

    Yeah, probably wasn’t a good joke  :cheer: 
    I hope you are up and running soon; love having you around  smt


    Oh dear RubyRed!! That was shocking  :laugh:

    It wasn’t a virus, it was the electrics!  It stopped picking up the charger, so I had 30% battery to rescue what I could.  We took it to a repair shop, but no luck.  They’re removing the hard drive and giving it back for £60 (£60 I havn’t got) but I need a new computer.  I’m gutted!! I spent the whole weekend crying, which seems over-dramatic, but it was the first expensive thing I bought myself.

    Being a poor student, it wasn’t insured, and i can’t claim it under house insurance since I keep changing houses, my Mum hasn’t renewed hers and my b/f doesn’t cover it since I’m not registered as living there yet.  :unsure:

    I’ll wait until January when my next loan installment comes through.  🙁

    In the meantime, I am still selling!! And I can get online some evenings and I check e-mails at uni on a daily basis.  Hope to catch you all soon  🙂


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