PK! This you MUST see!

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  • #6643

    I was out surfing around. Remember the girl who copied the panty hog forum topics word for word to her forum on her site? LOL! Now she has started her own version of your Panty Mall. Read about it here: Link Removed By Admin

    I call it the trailer park version of the Panty Mall. Unbelievable! She rips you off, makes a bad copy, and charges the girls twice what your rent costs!  lmao  lmao


    I don’t think it’s that funny. Unfortunately you can’t copyright a “concept”. I am disappointed since Panty Hog has done nothing but welcome this person with open arms, and happily posted her news, links, and posts here.

    For the record, the Panty Mall has a much more advanced set up and features. I think sellers will be able to judge for themselves.

    If it counts for anything, at least she didn’t ask us to post news of it here. Believe it or not, a person who clearly ripped off our directory of sellers concept did just that.



    Andie and PK .. dont worry. Most people don’t even know who she is and have never even heard of her – I havent seen her site in the search engines at all ..I think with Panty Hogs reputation and such, I wouldnt worry, however it is DAMN annoying and upsetting none-the-less.

    Google hates any type of copying anyway so her site will have many penalties against it.

    These copy cats only harm themselves – especially when they take ideas from established sites!  They just become the clowns of the industry as they end up getting ridiculed when people visit them.

    Panty Hog and Panty Mall is most definately the place to be and everyone knows it.  smt


    Thanks Cindy. I know you understand exactly my disappointment since you’ve pulled a few knives out of your back too.  😉


    Yep PK you are very right, and I still have the scars to prove it  :ohmy: .. All the crap we have to put up with for being popular – its just as bad as being a celebrity  lmao

    However, I have to admit the nice side of things really does outweigh the crap from others – Ive gotten to know some truly beautiful people over the years through having my site, which I wouldnt swop for the world!



    It’s damned disappointing when a concept is stolen I mean borrowed, the proof is in the longevity, and I’m damn sure the Panty Mall will outlast the borrowers.

    From what I’ve seen of the Panty Mall it looks a damned good setup, as you say sellers and buyers will choose the better option, and we know that’s Panty Mall  B)

    Thank You Kindly!  B)


    :cry:  Hugs to Cindy, PK and Amy for all the nasty people out there stealing their intellectual property.  The best thing we can do is ignore the rip off site.  Once that stolen concept flops for the thief she’ll probably look for something “better” to steal…  Think she’ll ever realize that she’s not succeeding not because the concepts aren’t good, but because they are stolen and not her own?

    Lately, there have been some people around here who have been remarkably balanced and generous with their words, and others who have been downright uncivil.  I think anyone reading has learned a lot about who they’d like to be friends with or conduct panty sales with.  (Wish I had a catchy poem for Lisa B or Neil but here is a hug instead.  smt )

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