Question for all sellers

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  • #2329

    Hi Ladies:
    We were contacted by a rep from a lingerie manufacturer offering a great wholesale deal on bulk purchases of panties, bras, camisoles, etc. His suggestion was that we might want to consider buying these items in bulk, and sell them at a great price to women who go through panties as fast as you all. The photos I saw showed a good variety of everything from cotton briefs, to boy cuts, mesh thongs, etc. The items look more attractive and appear to be much better quality than you’d find on the $.88 panty rack at Walmart. An example of a deal Panty Hog could offer to members here after buying and paying shipping from the manufacturer would be something along the lines of $10.00 USD for a dozen pairs of thongs.

    No one here has talked about where or how they keep up thier supply of panties, and I have no idea what the interest would be. The last thing I want to do is to have a minimum order of 188 pairs of mesh thongs taking up room in our already crowded house if no one was interested. Is a panty buying cooperative an interesting idea? I have no  preference either way, it won’t hurt my feelings if you think it’s a dumb idea, but I’d be happy to organize it if it is considered a worthwhile service for Panty Hog members.  O0



    I would be interested but not just thongs. variety is the name of the game, so in that dozen would need to include thongs and panties – satiny too, not only cotton.

    Also, some of us are in Europe so the postage costs from the USA to here is against us.? Unless we bought a large amount in one go, it may not be in our favour.

    I buy my panties from loads of places – strip clubs, C&A, M&S, H&M and private lingerie shops and catalogues… any good quality places, without being over priced, so I can sell them at low prices too.

    Past experience has also taught me dont sell cheap crap either so always opt for a nice well stitched panty that costs a little extra rather than something that will fall apart after you have slept in it – there is no need to go to the other extreme of buying panties costing the earth either – customers won’t pay the additional cost you will have to charge to cover your costs.

    So PK .. yes great idea but not sure on the shipping and Id want 5 or 10 dozen and some camisoles and nighties too .. Any chance you could post links to the pictures here so we can have a look PK??

    thanks 🙂
    Cinds x


    That’s good thinking by the lingerie company.

    The bulk items I buy I get cheap, and for the rest of the unique items I do a Cindy and shop! Tis’ torture this job  :cheer:

    Personally I wouldn’t but only because I wouldn’t want the same stuff as the other girls, plus I’d feel bad if people knew what I’d paid for what I sell.  🙁

    Certainly worth making a corner for on the site though.  O0


    [quote author=Delicious Jess link=topic=169.msg842#msg842 date=1116071240]
    Personally I wouldn’t but only because I wouldn’t want the same stuff as the other girls, plus I’d feel bad if people knew what I’d paid for what I sell. 🙁

    Actually I didnt think of that … hmmm if everyone took advantage of this offer then the clients would all be getting similar panties, which is not good.? As for knowing what you paid for it, its swings and roundabouts, what you save on one pair of knickers you make a loss or break even on another pair (you know the ones .. those “sexy must have” panties that really eat into your budget) … and especially if clients want extra days wear or photos printed out – by the time you have forked out postage etc., there really isnt much profit left.

    It still sounds like a really nice offer from the lingerie company, but I would like to see some pics first and know the quality and variety before I made a decision; however, I must admit, I am already quite routined in where I buy and am happy with my set up I currently have …
    ….and nothing really beats a good day out purely lingerie shopping … its heavenly!!!!!


    [quote author=Cindy_PantyParadise link=topic=169.msg843#msg843 date=1116076791]
    … and especially if clients want extra days wear or photos printed out – by the time you have forked out postage etc., there really isnt much profit left.

    Tell me about it hun. Sales so far, although good, haven’t covered what I paid for my digital camera. I’m still waiting to get in to the black but by god I’m a determined woman! I will win!!  🙂

    PS: I had this strangeness at the top of Panty Hog for a little while? Means not a thing to me!!

    Warning: ob_start(): output handler ‘ob_gzhandler’ cannot be used after ‘URL-Rewriter’ in /home/usedpant/public_html/includes/mambo.php on line 2451


    I might find something like this interesting but there’s the issue of different sizes too.  I am rather forced to shell out for the budget-busters because the cheap panties in my size are mostly hideous.  I go to good old wal-mart for the “staples” but for the pretty panties  it takes quite a bit of shopping, and I know that I pay more for many of mine than some girls charge for theirs.

    This is one instance in which I say thank heavens for eBay!

    Lady Cherie

    [move]check out my brand-new panty bordello!


    Dear Cherie,
    As a buyer i have experienced the cheap and nasty in the early days.
    Now though i am assured of quality products but more important is the level of service i get.which is second to none and this in my opinion is what makes a good panty seller.

    O0 Jazzy:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:


    Jazzy:? :kiss:
    aww Jazzy … Thanks for your support and custom and loyalty to me over the last year or so my lovely – you know that my customer care and satisfaction is my top priority as well as providing the best quality I can for every order – can’t wait to start your next one *smile*


    I am truly delighted that a connoisseur such as yourself is pleased with my service Jazzy!? ?;)

    :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


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