Hi, I’m new to the forum and was wondering if anyone here knew what happened to the seller at this website? I bought from her back in April of this year, and never recieved anything. In fact, that was my first buying experience. I thought I had done some pretty good research as she had good references, lots of positive feedback on ebanned, and lots of link with other sellers. Everything looked good, but she seemed to drop off the face of the earth right around the time I ordered. The website has been down for a few months as well.
Not very fun for a first-time buyer, but thanks to a few good sellers at ebanned and other independent websites – my interest in this hobby has been very positive since that first time. But in the back of my mind I still think of that first attempt, and am curious if anyone else has any experience with that site, or knows what happened?
Thanks everyone in advance, and I hope to frequent this site in the future!