Regarding the forum change

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  • #19978

    Panty Hog is using a new forum. The new forum solves problems we used to have with lowercase/uppercase log in issues, being logged in to the main site but not the forum and vise-versa. In other words, the new forum works better and solves all those old problems.

    I had two choices when changing the forum. Starting fresh and losing all old posts, or attempting to migrate the old posts into the new forum. I didn’t think we’d want to lose years of good advice posted here so I opted for the bringing the old posts over to the new. Unfortunately, the old forum and the new forum scripts are completely different. Bringing the old posts over was similar to trying to run a Mac program on Windows. I was able to bring them over, but the migration isn’t perfect. Due to a difference in the code between the two forums, the old posts show with html markup

    the <br> <ul>

    , etc. that you see in the old posts. The only way to fix this is to go through each post, click edit, and then re-save. There are thousands of posts here! If you have an old post you’d like to fix, you can. Otherwise, since the problem only appears in posts from the old forum, it doesn’t effect posts from here on out.

    😉 PK

    Mr E

    Regarding the markup in the old posts… couldn’t you just do an SQL Update search changing all the old markup to the new? Either running it directly from phpMyAdmin or by writing a simple php script?


    I adjusted the top menu and heard from one member today that positioning problem has gone away for them. Hopefully this worked for everyone. Please let me know by PM or the helpdesk if you are still experiencing trouble.



    Its all good here too!
    Thank you so much PK.
    I can now see the wonderful layout that the others have been talking about



    Good to hear Kez. :cheer:

    Mr E

    YAY! It’s all looking really good! The firefox/xp problem I was experiencing seems to have disappeared too (I was getting a white rectangle about 500px x 200px superimposed over the layout towards the end of the main index.php page)

    I’d be interested to know what you did that finally fixed the problem.

    Great work!!!


    I’d be interested to know what you did that finally fixed the problem.

    I compacted the top menu so that it wouldn’t wrap as it seemed to do in some browser/OS situations. Good to hear it fixed it for you.


    Am I the only one that finds the site so slow since the update that it’s too painful to use?


    What if we all click system restore would we get the old panty hog back.
    I know it must have taken a lot of time and effort but i fear there are too many bells and whistles to load each time you change a page.
    There are far less posts now and 9 times out of 10 i just give up.
    Maybe its just me,lets hope things improve.

    just a thought

    :dry: Jazzy:dry:


    for fear of getting a slap! jazzy, no its not just you:(

    sam xxx


    Oh Jazzy if only it was that easy lol. Yes i`m finding that since the change over that there seem`s to be a lot less posts and the site overall is a lot slower and at times i give up to! BUT maybe its just because its new and all the bells and whistles are not yet in tune with each other?



    Yea,I give up here sometimes myself because it seems to take so long to load,etc. Hang in there though,I’m sure it will become ‘fun’ once again and you will see the posts become more and more as others join the little gang we have here! ( I’m talkin’ to myself some too,but at least I’m not answering yet ) 😛

    ( Mike’s post hit the nail on the head pretty well when he said the site is new and all the bells and whistles are not yet in tune with each other! )
    — couldn’t have typed it any better myself! —


    Hi All,

    Actually the accessibility problem we have had with the site over the last two or so days was a hardware problem with the computer that runs the site’s database, and is/was not related to the changeover to the new site. The site has been basically down for the last two days, those that actually found themselves able to access it are brave and patient souls. The people who maintain the database server have been hard at work, and it appears now that this problem is fixed or very close. Sorry I didn’t say anything earlier, but I couldn’t get in myself to post.

    Unfortunately, when a server problem happens there isn’t much anyone can do but sit back and let the techs take care of it and hope it doesn’t take too long to fix. The best thing to do during a time when Panty Hog is down is to check out some of the offerings by the lovely ladies in the auction area, and catch up on reading of the blogs of all the great ladies who are members here. Hopefully within an hour, or in the worst case as we just had, a day or so, you’ll come back to find the Panty Hog site back to normal.

    – PK


    thanks PK for letting us know, it does seem better!!:)

    sam xxx


    Oh thanks PK, that explains it clearly. It does seem to be running a lot better today 🙂

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