Rereading books?

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    I was wondering how many of you have reread something and how much? I am just reading the first Harry Potter books for the second time. I have all so reread the war of the wrolds more the a few times. I have all so reread a few Hutons books?


    I’m re-reading ‘A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court’ by Mr. Marky Twain because my mom moved and I found it in some old boxes of mine. It’s fun to re-read because you notice different things each time.


    I have certain books I re-read in whole or part, just because I love them or because they remind me of a something, a forgotten lesson or a thought left hanging. The Brothers Karamazov can be referenced as often as the bible, me thinks.


    I have re-read a number of books, sometimes for nostalgic reasons (a fav is ‘stories for five year olds’ and ‘A Twist of Gold’), and some because I bought them and forgot I’d already read them, and some simply because I love the stories:

    Angela’s Ashes – Frank McCourt
    The Lovely Bones – Alice Sebold
    Witch Child & Sorceress – Celia Rees and
    The Complete Book of Flower Fairies – Cicely Mary Barker (because the poems, stories and illustrations are timeless 😡 )



    I’ve read the Folk of the Far Away Tree about 3 times! I love re-reading it because it takes me back to when I was a little girl and the story is so fantastic it’s easy to get caught up in the adventure (just like Harry Potter, I confess I love Harry! The last film is going to be broken into 2 movies which is annoying though!)

    I’ve just finished reading 100 Years of Solitude and I can see myself revisiting it in a few years.


    ive re read my laurall k. hamiltion books so may times one actually fell apart, in fact if i keep the book around, i generaly read it 3 or 4 times before i pass it on.


    As a kid, I read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings several times each.

    As an adult, I’ve had less time for fiction. What little fiction-reading time I have, I spend mostly with my son (and yes, his library includes Harry Potter).

    But I have had the chance to return to Aldous Huxley’s Island more than once, and Italo Calvino’s If on a winter’s night a traveler.

    I will re-read Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses some time soon.

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