I really thought after searching, that I’d come across SOMETHING, but I can find silk panties more easily than I can satin panties…and would you believe, I have found more satin panties for men that you can shake a stick at. :rolleyes:
They were perfect in shimmer, detail, on most sites and one site hand-made all the panties!!! http://www.satique.com/store.html but, they do say they size according to women’s sizes…their bloomers have gotten me slightly interested [if there’s a nice bloomers site, let me know :)]
[me=Ruby Red]sighs [/me]
WHY? WHY? lol Men are having their cake and eating it too lol they figured out how wonderful it feels to slip on a pair of slinky, shimmery panties 😉
I have run across a panty blog that I “think” caters to only satin and silk and she has a links page. I have not checked out all the links yet, but I’m def going to 🙂