Satin Panties on the Highstreet

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  • #18047

    I live in the UK, and a customer has requested satin panties.  Now, I went searching this afternoon, with no luck! Not even M&S  :cry:  mad

    Does anyone know where I can buy satin panties on the UK high street…? or what materials give a similar/same effect, if any so I can look out for those too.


    E @ P.P.


    I have never been able to find a good supply of satin panties. I don’t think they are as popular here as they are in the US and Canada, for some reason.



    I’ve got some satin ones on at the moment that I bought today, pm me and I’ll tell you where from  :kiss:


    Im sure we have discussed this on here before.  Satin is a polyester and lycra mix, it is not silk.

    You can buy lycra mix panties in almost any shop, if they are shiny and soft then they are classed as satin and you sell them as satin 🙂

    My guys know my satin panties are more expensive than cotton, but it doesnt matter what the mix is, as long as they are slinky, soft and shiny (unlike cotton) – they are classed as satin not cotton.


    I messaged you back, and I hope you don’t mind, I put you on my blogroll  :kiss:


    Thanks StickyVicky  🙂 Got you’re message and of course I don’t mind…looks like I’m going to have to rearrange my links (or maybe add an altogether new links page for all my new friends  :laugh:)

    Also, many thanks to Cindy for explaining the material issue!  I did have a quick search for a satin panty thread before I posted a new one, but I couldn’t find one (thus why I posted).
    But Cindy, your comments were very helpful, thank you!

    I think it’s a day of shopping for me on Saturday – anyone care to join me  😉



    Lemme just say that it ISN’T easy to find shiney satiny panties here in the US…at least in my area!

    I just went through the same thing, sweetie and couldn’t believe it!  NOT EVEN Victoria’s Secret or the Stripper Stores!!!!!

    Wazz up with THAT!

    Ruby Red

    I really thought after searching, that I’d come across SOMETHING, but I can find silk panties more easily than I can satin panties…and would you believe, I have found more satin panties for men that you can shake a stick at.  :rolleyes:

    They were perfect in shimmer, detail, on most sites and one site hand-made all the panties!!!  but, they do say they size according to women’s sizes…their bloomers have gotten me slightly interested [if there’s a nice bloomers site, let me know  :)]
    [me=Ruby Red]sighs [/me]

    WHY? WHY? lol Men are having their cake and eating it too lol they figured out how wonderful it feels to slip on a pair of slinky, shimmery panties  😉

    I have run across a panty blog that I “think” caters to only satin and silk and she has a links page. I have not checked out all the links yet, but I’m def going to 🙂

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