Scrolling Gif/Avatars…Help?

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  • #11268

    Okay, this might seem like a dumb question…
    But how do you make scrolling gifs?
    A couple of you guys have them and i dont have a clue where to start making one.
    Its nice seeing three or four photos flash up on your avatars.

    Thanks for any help guys 🙂


    I’ve actually downloaded a quick and free trial programme that has been great! Someone emailed me to let me know, and its called ulead

    Its been pretty good so far, only have it for 15 days so i’m going to make the most of it until it runs out hehe.

    Though if i TOTALLY screw up like i’m anticipating :ohmy: i’ll give you and himself a buzz 🙂

    HUGS thanks for the sugguestion


    I used Adobe photoshop/imageready .. Ill be happy to make you one too when your trial version of the software runs out 🙂


    As most of you know my avatar is the national flag of Scotland.Is it possible to make it look as if it is moving.
    Probably a stupid question but if you don’t ask.?

    smt  Jazzy    smt


    OOo yeah Ill have a tinker with that today for you Jazzy xxx


    Oooh Thanks Cindy 🙂

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