Somewhat panty related – please read.

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  • #22620

    I’m from the US, and I have to admit it’s pretty often I see a post here and sadly realize that it must have come from a fellow American. As most of the posters here seem to be from the other side of the pond… I was wondering what everyone’s take on this was.

    What about America makes people so crass with their sexuality, and so willing to appear about as intelligent as a 6 year old? Ok obviously, it’s not everyone, and I’m not trying to offend anyone – but, at least since I’ve been a member here, it’s almost never a girl from Europe shouting with bad grammar about her wet pussy.

    Personally, I think it has much to do with our unhealthy collective fascination with pubescent girls and their subsequent (and excitedly chronicled) fall into prime-time network porn…

    Is this just leftover from our hypocritical, ultra-repressed, puritanical heritage?

    Or is it something else entirely?

    I would love to hear opinions on this, as I only have my limited, US media influenced experience to draw from here.

    I hope this isn’t considered offensive, and if it is I’ll gladly move it to my blog.

    Thanks :silly:


    thats an interesting post Sasha, i think as Serena says it needs some thinking

    my first thought would be that the states is a much larger country than the uk but then how does that reflect on the number of american vs english sellers? from the point that you would expect there to be more. i have to admit though it seems that the majority are english on this site or am i wrong about that??:unsure: which contradicts that so i dont know

    (end of a hard say lol)

    sam xx


    I reckon there is more UK than US/Canadian sellers on Panty Hog but you only need to go to Ebanned to see that there are far more US and Canadian sellers.

    For some reason PH seems to be more suited to UK and European sellers.

    What I have noticed about sites who attract US sellers ie Ebanned and MPS is that the sellers on there make no allowances for non-US sellers. For example they talk about issues that are only relevant if you are in the US or are American. There is no effort to include anyone outside of the US in their choice of topics.

    Whereas here on PH I constantly see some allowance and appreciation that we are all only different continents and a small island.

    How many times have we had red necks on here banging on about how fucking wonderful America is and how us Brits hate anything to do with America? Quite a few.

    I have noticed a HUGE difference between the regular US sellers on here and those who aren’t so regular. Our US sellers seem to be of a higher calibre and more open minded and appreciative of the mix of nations on here. In fact sometimes I forget you are American 😉



    hey Anna, thats the best compliment I’ve gotten in a long time!

    Thanks :silly:




    Technically, the visitor stats to Panty Hog show that half of the visitors are from the USA and Canada. The rest of the world combined (with a heavy emphasis on the UK) makes up the other half.

    I’m not sure exactly how accurate they are, but for what it is worth, online services that claim to measure visitor demographics show that Panty Hog visitors tend to be slightly older, more educated, and more affluent than visitors to the other panty related sites.

    Personally, regardless of the stats, I see it as all about maturity and class. Birds of a feather flock together. Fortunately, decent people with class tend to find Panty Hog a good fit. Those that lack maturity, decency, ethics, and class may stumble in occasionally, but due to the great members here they figure out rather quickly that the culture here is not right for them.



    admin wrote:

    Those that lack maturity, decency, ethics, and class may stumble in occasionally, but due to the great members here they figure out rather quickly that the culture here is not right for them.


    …and they always seem to stumble in when a full moon is due, throw their toys around and then stomp off…


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