Stay clear of TOMMY DENTON / t4tommy444 YAHOO IM

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  • #11980

    This guy purchased a pair of my panties… and then his wife decides to message me – and chastises me for selling my panties, calls me a prostitute and continues to harass me most of the evening on yahoo… i tried to be polite to her.
    Obviously she is cross her husband has been buying panties and decides to take it out on me… calling me sad and pathetic…asking me if my parents wuld approve… like its any of her business… i am so cross!!!!! 

    I tried to explain that i didn’t have to justify myself to her, yet her questions riled me so much i ended up answering them in order to try to get her to understand that i am not an alien or a whore or anything else…. she says that i must have a lack of self worth to do this! and that pandering to male deviants is pathetic! now i am angry that i rose to her bait!

    I am sorry – i had to vent this –

    Just beware – stay away from him unless you like getting a gob full from a snotty ass wife…

    rant over… i feel better now x thank you!

    Poppy x


         People can really make a person  mad and  :angry: sometimes!
             Here’s a {{hug}} to help settle your nerves!!!
             PRH  🙂


    Aww thank you hunnie!!! it really made me angry… you know as i do its not wrong and not uhrting anyone… maybe hubby should have been a bit more careful with his goods and then she would’t have been cross… she is obviously more cross with him  that me and taking it out on me!!

    Oh well at least i have people like you to understand!

    Kisses xxxx


    She’s jealous that you shared something intimate with her husband.

    That’s her and his problem not yours..



    i felt a little peeved that she chose to divert her anger on to me!!!

    but i stayed polite until she started asking questions about my family and stuff – there was no need for that – and when i said – i don’t have to justify myself to you – she replied… “has the family comment hit a raw nerve perhaps?” like some patronising perfect homelife cow!

    SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!!!!! hee hee

    can you tell this has bothered me slightly!  :ohmy: :ohmy:


    at least you only got abuse from a wife on yahoo! I stupidly gave my mobile no out to a gent and I ended up getting texts off his wife for months LOL

    If you get another one like that tell her to and speak to her husband not you, you are not a marriage counsellor and it is extremely obvious they need professional help in their marriage or relationship.

    that usually shuts em up. if not then stick the stupid bitch on ignore


    She’s mad because her husband getting something from other women makes her feel like she is not good enough or satisfying his needs.  If there are things wrong with their relationship they need to talk to each other, not to you.

    If you really want to piss her off tell her “he told me he was single and asked to meet me in person.”  lmao  (Okay, that’s really mean, don’t do that, but it would be funny to see the reaction.)


    Haa haa NICE POINTS!!! i like both of them… i got her on block now – i don’t want her speaking to me again! loser!

    oh well….

    i’m over it – i am having a GOOD DAY!!!


    :laugh: It sounds like yo handled it very well poppy and were obviously the more polite and mature person.
    The one thing I have always fond because we tend to get alot of abuse in my other job is that if all else fails there really is nothing better than a short sharp f*** off. There doesn’t tend to be alot the person can say.
    And if you get someone asking about your family just say actually I’m an orphan , they were all murdered by a sexually repressed serial killer. Was it You ?
    Wouldn’t this be a job for the panty father?


    [quote author=Tabitha link=topic=1768.msg11306#msg11306 date=1169048638]
    :laugh: It sounds like yo handled it very well poppy and were obviously the more polite and mature person.
    The one thing I have always fond because we tend to get alot of abuse in my other job is that if all else fails there really is nothing better than a short sharp f*** off. There doesn’t tend to be alot the person can say.
    And if you get someone asking about your family just say actually I’m an orphan , they were all murdered by a sexually repressed serial killer. Was it You ?
    Wouldn’t this be a job for the panty father?

    Haa haa LMAO!! liking your style babe…. that is fricking wicked!! hee ehe – I’ll remember that next tme i have some stupid wife Psycoanalising me for selling my underwear! haa haa – She’s a nut job!


    you know i have talked to him on yahoo as well this was before i was selling panties. he got really rude with me because i would not turn on my webcam. So yea i would just aviod him on every leavel if i were you


    [quote author=amandamae link=topic=1768.msg13879#msg13879 date=1174583772]
    you know i have talked to him on yahoo as well this was before i was selling panties. he got really rude with me because i would not turn on my webcam. So yea i would just aviod him on every leavel if i were you

    Ahh someone who has spoken with them – i think he thinks he is his wife (like norman bates in psycho!!)
    the net does’t need people like that!


    Next time he is speaking to you just ask ”is there a hitch
    cock with your order.If he gets into a ”frenzy” tell him ”vertigo” and jump out ”the rear window” watch out for ”the torn curtain”.As ”the birds ”all here are aware of ”the trouble with Harry” or Tom or Dick that they don’t know when to let go of ”the rope”.I assume our Tommy is ”the man who knew too much”

    good evening all. :coolsmiley:

    just a thought,the picture came into my head. :laugh:

    ;)  Jazzy    😉


    [quote author=jazzy link=topic=1768.msg14399#msg14399 date=1175706950]
    Next time he is speaking to you just ask ”is there a hitch
    cock with your order.If he gets into a ”frenzy” tell him ”vertigo” and jump out ”the rear window” watch out for ”the torn curtain”.As ”the birds ”all here are aware of ”the trouble with Harry” or Tom or Dick that they don’t know when to let go of ”the rope”.I assume our Tommy is ”the man who knew too much”

    good evening all. :coolsmiley:

    just a thought,the picture came into my head. :laugh:

    ;)  Jazzy    😉

    That was cute!!! i love hitch cock too hehehehe


    haa haa!!!!!

    Jazzy where do you come up with this stuff!!!

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