sum help pleazz =)

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  • #16611

    im having sum trouble wit this site……..
    im trying to up load my profile picture.
    i kno where to go to..but tha site wot upload tha image.
    wen i kilck to upload it just goes to a blank page??
    very odd!!
    is any body else having tha same problem??
    or is it just me??

    pleazzzzz sum one help me!!
    i spent all last night producing photo’s & now i cant share them wit u  =(


    I’d love to help but I haven’t a clue what you are saying!



    Minnie, are you saying you are having trouble uploading to the albums here?
    Are you uploading them directly or are you hosting them on another site and hotlinking them?


    Have you tried a differant photo? it might be that the one you are trying  to upload for your profile photo has a bad link within it. Try using another one for the time being.
    Click on your profile, click Forum Profile Information, then choose  I will upload my own picture: hit the browse button and pick the place on your PC where you have the photo saved and once yo have done that, click change profile at the bottom of the page.



    sorry i aint making sense here gal’s..hehee
    thank u for replying to me tho xxxxxxx

    it’s my profile photo not tha gallery..
    iv had help from PK (admin) wit my gallery..
    thats all sorted now…phew!!
    but i still cant upload tha main profile picture……

    im uploading straight from my documents..
    not using a host thing like photobucket =)

    i go into forum profile info
    then i browse my photo & try uploading…
    it then just goes to a blank page & tells me it’s done…
    when it isn’t..  😥


    ..thank u thank u to all u for trying ta help me..
    ..much appriciated!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx


    well then as far as i can tell, the photo you are trying to use has a bad link within it. So maybe use a differant one?
    Oh i tried to view your album, but its password protected!


    oh one last thing…Minnie Tha Moocha ? now i`vegot to know how you came up with that  :laugh:


    Sorry about the trouble Minnie but your photo is now active. The problem was that the profile image needs to be around 100 x 100 pixels. The script will re size an image if it is close but the image that you were trying to upload was 1,128 x 2,048 pixels. Translated into inches: 15.6 inches x 28.4 inches that is, if you printed it out, the image would be 1 1/2 feet wide by over two feet tall! Lol! 😉

    It was just too large for the program to squeeze down to an inch by an inch. I used a photo editing program to minimize it and then uploaded it. Since it was a big photo squeezed down so much though, it is a little hard to see, so if you have another pic with more lighting, you might want to exchange it.


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