Sunday Chat?

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  • #3796

    As I’m FINALLY done with my site renovations I think I’ll be able to spend some time goofing off this sunday (9/4), and I might even fire up the webcam if anybody else cares to join me.? ?;)

    I’m not promising splits and handstands though!? ?:cheer:



    I will be there with bells on mon Cherie. Approximately what time did you have in mind? How rude of the others to delay a response.




    Say around noon, EST?  That’d be about 5pm for UK folks  🙂



    Thats a date, Cheri…but I think uk is like 7 or 8 hours ahead of us:huh: But youre in fla, rightt? so that’d…….6 or 7 for those accross the pond…and 11 for me..ummm…crapper..I’ll figgure it out..!


    Dear Pencap, Noon in the U S is 6.00pm here in the U K.
    I’ll tune in at 5.00 pm just to be safe.

    Gary Cooper-News at ten–high noon.? lmao

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?:laugh:? ?Jazzy? ? :laugh:


    but Jazzy, which part of the US are we talking about? we have a few timezones to decipher!! I’m …ummmm….Central Standard Time, Cheri I think, is Eastern Standard  Time….
    (Standard time…what an oxymoron…) I have nothing better to do than check in every hour, so WTF? I’ll be here! ha ha! Big Texas Howdy to all!


    Ill do my best Cherie 🙂 .. will be great to have a one to one chat with a few new “locals” as well as your sexy self hehehe
    Love Cinds xx


    London time is always five hours “ahead” of Florida except during that brief period when one country has switched to daylight savings time (aka summer time) and the other hasn’t.? Europe/UK goes over to daylight savings about a week ahead of the US.

    Central is one hour “behind” eastern, so noon for me would be eleven for you Pencap.

    FWIW, there IS such a thing as “standard time” – international time zones (which includes our eastern, central, mountain and pacific times Pencap) are labelled according to where they fall in reference to Greenwich Mean Time.? So the US’s “eastern standard time” is GMT+5,
    central time is GMT+6 and so on.? Currently, however, London time is GMT+1, US eastern time (which I believe should technically be labelled “EDT” in the summer) is GMT+6, and so on because of daylight savings.

    I have London time memorized as I really do have pals in the UK and therabouts, but you can easily look up any time you want:

    Aunty Cherie

    p.s.? I promise not to lecture about time zones in chat!? ?:laugh:

    p.p.s.? Looking forward to seeing you all – especially Cindy!? I hope you can make it? 🙂


    NOW I”M REALLY confused!!!!! ?I thought I had it Sweetheart!!!

    Well, Like I said, I’m online 24-7, so if I’m not asleep, I’ll be there!


    See the Cam after the ”storm”

    Hope to be there 5.00pm uk and Bonnie Scotland time? :kiss:

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ?:laugh:? ?Jazzy? ? :laugh:


    WOOHOO? 🙂 I’ll be there ma Cherie? :kiss:


    Amy and I will try to stop by (cam on) to say hello. This is a holiday weekend here in the U.S., and the (whispering) inlaws are visiting  :X. Need I say more? Shhh…

    (Amy if you read this, I didn’t write it, this message was posted by an evil hacker)


    Awwww we missed you PK and Amy, the chat was about 5pm or so UK time.

    It was lovely chatting with Cherie, Karen, Cindy, Jazzy, Stringer and Jamskater9 for a while? 🙂

    Cherie / Karen sorry I disappointed you by not being ‘furry’ lmao

    Amy quick check it out, some evil hacker has gotten a hold of PK’s password? :ohmy:

    * secret code for PK .. do you think Amy will buy the hacker thing now that I’ve backed you up? :rolleyes: *


    many thanks to all who joined in Sunday Chat,now if i can get the hang of it anyone can so new members pop in and see. :rolleyes:

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? :laugh:? ?Jazzy? ? :laugh:

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