A huge big thank you to all of those who supported me during the voting for the Golden Panty Awards. To win the Golden Award for the second year means so much to me.
We have some truly wonderful sellers who have joined us this year and next year I am hoping that there will be a lot more Nominees for the Seller of the Year.
From my personal point of view, I feel that Anna really deserved a Golden Award for all she has done since she began – unfortunately as she has been selling for under a year she was not able to be nominated for this award. For a new seller Anna truly went way beyond what any “newbie” would or could do, and I was so happy that she won a good handful of categories, including the category of New Seller – she absolutely deserved that, without a doubt. :kiss:
In light of me winning the overall prize, I have kindly been given a store to set up in Second Life for one year free of charge – thank you so much PK xxx.
However, I would like to share it! As my gift to all those girls who were nominated (whether they won a category or not or even if you are not a member or Second Life, it doesn’t matter) I would be happy to share my store with you.
I do not have loads of space but I do have enough to be able to put a photo up of you and an URL to your website or blog – anything you want :). I won’t have enough room to sell anything for you but I think that it is more important that visitors to the Panty Hog Second Life area can see that you have been recognised in the community for your dedication and hard work :).
Please email me your favourite photo of yourself – better without watermarks (it’s ok it’s safe) and also most important the URL to your web site or blog or even your panty trust page!
Thank you again to everyone who voted for me. Thank you also to PK for running it again this year and well done to all the girls who won and also congratulations to everyone who was nominated.
I look forward to receiving those pics and info for “our” store 🙂
Email to: cindy_mp4u@yahoo.co.uk
Love Cindy xxxx