Thank you

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  • #18860

    A massive


    to everyone who voted for me to be Golden Panty seller 2007. I’m just waiting now for Cindy to send over those coveted golden knickers from Germany.  smt

    A big  :kiss: to PK as ever for organising the Awards that we enjoy so much and a big  :kiss: to Cindy for making a better job at presenting the Awards (than PK did last year :P). :cheer: Wasn’t she glam everybody? and pissed lol

    Congrats to everyone else for doing so well in the Awards



    Yes thankyou PK and Cindy, you both did great and the entertainment was hilarious Cinds!!!

    Well done to everyone nominated and to all the winners  smt


    it was soo much fun.  THANKS to all those who voted for me for the Lifetime Achievment award :).  Me drunk:huh:? Never!!!

    And I thought we all looked lovely, PK in his dishy suit.. not forgetting Fetish’s nipple peircing and then Anna got her puppies out — woooo too much for old gal like me  :laugh: :laugh:


    Sounds like it was a good show as well! Well done by everyone! ( I’ll work at not being late next yr.- believe it )  :laugh:

        PK, outstanding job putting everything together! 🙂
        Cindy, I guess you helped do some hosting and Congratulations on picking up the Lifetime Achievment award!( most of us had no doubt you would pull it off )  😉
        Lastly,Congratulations Anna! ( another Golden Girl ) :coolsmiley:


    Well done Anna and every one who won an award too!
    Sorry i missed the awards, maybe next year i will be able to be there?
    But i hear it was a great time had by all……….and damn, i missed of the  bb flashing!  :laugh:

    And my thanks to all those that voted  for me for my little award  :blush: to the girls a great big  :kiss: and to the boys, well just a thanks lol



    smt smt smt smt smt smt smt smt smt smt smt smt

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