The poster formerly known as footedpajamas

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  • #17504
    Mask Man N95

    Hi,folks. Somehow I got locked out of my footedpajamas account (site said it didn’t exist,so I figured it was purged. I have not been active in 3 months due to my old computer failing. But here I am with a shiny new Compaq.

    I’ll remind everyone about me (since I see no intro thread/forum at the moment, and this is a good enough forum to tell what my panty and other fetishes are). I am Cory. I am from the Mid-Atlantic US. I’m a 31 year old white male (12/75).

    WELL-Worn panties (like 2 days or more) is obviously one of my fetishes. Espcially white ones, as any skid marks (which I love!) become more obvious.

    Footedpajamas was my old name since I do love seeing those on a young woman. My favorite thing for a girl to sleep in.

    My new name is my other fetish, masks. I like protective masks, namely surgical masks and cartridge respirators. “N95” is just a classification of mask.

    All of the non-panty stuff is irrelevant, though, unless any o you sell/include pics with an order.

    I’ve been in contact with fetishkitten before, as well as a couple others to a lesser extent. All very nice people. I’m more of an explorer, or at least have been. I do want to buy, but I am not sure when (thought I was).

    Look forward to chattingwith you all again, either here or on AIM or whatever.


    Welcome back!

    Mask Man N95

    Thank you muchly!


    hiya 🙂

    Mask Man N95

    Heya, j18ie!


    Interesting mask fetish.  🙂 And welcome back, also!

    Mask Man N95

    Hehe. Care to indulge me?  :laugh: :idiot2: j/k

    But thanks. God to be back!!!


    I actually do have a gas mask. Its missing one of its filter things on the side. I stole it from a party in houston.

    Ruby Red

    It’s funny. I have a couple of masks that I bought for school but didn’t need (N95 too).  One is blue and the other is white.  :coolsmiley:  Oooh, come to think of it, I have scrubs and a stethescope too… [threw out my icky lab coats]

    Dr. Red…calling Dr. Red  lmao

    Mask Man N95

    Ahhh yes, I’ve seen the blue ones, I think. 3M #1860 perhaps. Those are lovely on the right girl. :p

    I must go heck out your website.  :crazy2:

    Ruby Red
    Mask Man N95

    Both look very nice! And so does your site. How old are you, might I ask? If not, ignore me.


    Hey HUNNIE!!!!!!!! Welcome back! i have been a bit of a stranger of late myself!!

    Good to have you back on board! i hope you are keeping that compaq shiny! hee hee

    how have you been??

    Ruby Red

    Hi, N95 I sent you an email  smt smt smt

    so sorry for the delay  :blush:  this thread never popped up again in the unreads

    Hope to see you around  smt

    Roobs, Ruby, Ruby red Crimson, ruby Red Butt



    ‘Ellloooo N95 xx
    Welcome bk sugah!!  :laugh:

    I’m Luuuving tha pic ur usin’ on here hon!!  B)
    Any chance ur inta spray paints too?? 😉

    U & me might have a l’il summit in common xx
    HeeHeee 😉

    xx Minnie Tha Moocha xx  smt

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