Too much of a good thing!

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  • #2013

    Oh mighty wonderous PK.. (or anyone!) help a Panty Maiden in distress?

    It’s probably something I’ve done.. if I knew exactly what.. well, I’d go to confession? ;)? but I don’t.? Why oh why am I always ‘Online Now’?! (SuzieMoonshoe)? I love Panty Hog but to me it looks like I’m always logged on.. even when I’m not.. ? I’ve tried to log in for 1 hour to see if I would go away after the hour, but.. no cigar? :blush:? I’m pretty sure everyone else is sick of seeing SuzieMoonshoe as ‘Online Now’.. I know I am..? :cheer:

    Suzie xxx


    Hi Suzie,
    Are you logging out with the logout button when you leave? If the drop down selection in the login box was set for “login forever”, than every time you call a page from Panty Hog, you’ll see yourself as logged in (because you are). If you have logged out and you come back an hour later (still logged out)and still see yourself listed as logged in, try using your browser refresh, or clear your cookies/temporary internet files from your browser’s cache. Once you log out, the system will continue to show you as logged in until the site cache refreshes. This happens every five minutes so if log out two minutes before the five minute refresh happens, you’ll continue to be there for two minutes, and so on. Everything is working as it’s supposed to as far as I see. I just tested it by logging in and out a few times. I pop in here many times throughout the day and night, and I haven’t seen you listed as online for any extended amount of time. Try the refresh tips, and let me know what happens for you.


    You’re absoluetely right.. I’d forgotten I had changed all my temp folder settings and as well as that.. I wasn’t thinking straight! 😉

    Thanks for being so quick and nice though

    Suzie xxx

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